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PUBLIC MARKS with tags opera & firefox



h5o - Project Hosting on Google Code

by nhoizey
"The current (Nov, 2009) HTML5 draft defines quite a precise algorithm, for producing an outline for HTML documents. h5o is an implementation of the algorithm in JavaScript."

Fighting the @font-face FOUT « Paul Irish

by Spone & 4 others
FOUT is what I'm calling the flash of unstyled text that you get while using @font-face in Firefox and Opera.

The modern browser wars: How well Firefox, IE and Chrome succeed in getting their users to upgrade | Royal Pingdom

by kasi77
approche très intéressante sur les différentes approches des mises à jours chez les grands acteurs du marché.


Run IE8/IE7/IE6, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera from the web

by ycc2106
In my opinion, Xenocode Browsers is the ultimat tool for checking your website in different browsers. Xenocode Browsers allow you to lauch IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox 2, Firefox 3, Google Chrome and Opera directly from the web. The only weak point: The service isn't available for Macs and GNU/Linux powered PCs.

Chrome and Firefox 3.5 Memory Usage

by night.kame

Firefox 3.5 used the smallest amount of memory during its peak, it used the smallest amount of memory when all points were averaged, and it used the smallest amount of memory at the end of the experiment after all tabs were closed. Firefox 3.5 continues Firefox 3.0's legacy of being the most memory efficient browser in this style of experiment.

A noter le "in this kind of experiment". Le test en lui-même ne montre pas grand chose, il est biaisé initialement par le fait que Windows gère mal la mémoire dans le sens où il ne maximise pas l'utilisation de la RAM. La seule chose importante est de savoir si la mémoire utilisée est la RAM ou la mémoire virtuelle (ie. un bête fichier). Tant qu'on reste dans la RAM, il n'y a pas de problème, et de ce point de vue là, une utilisation par Chrome de 1Go de mémoire sur les 4Go de mémoire physique (configuration du test) n'est pas forcément négatif au niveau des performances. De même, si la faible consommation de mémoire de Firefox est due à un nettoyage aggressif des structures de données temporaires, ça peut être pénalisant en vitesse. Mais étant donné que ce test ne regarde que la mémoire (espace) et pas la vitesse (temps), les conclusions ne peuvent être que très limitées. La remarque sur IE8 ne fait pas très sérieux...


by sdaclin & 6 others, 2 comments
Outil pour tester l'affichage d'un site web sur les navigateurs web de référence

Run IE8/7/6, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera from the web

by srcmax & 6 others, 2 comments (via)
Click the Xenocode WebApp to launch directly from the web. WebApps require no setup and run in isolated virtual environments.

XiTi Monitor - Article

by nhoizey
The graph below presents the average market share achieved by the various browsers in Europe, for visits during the week of September 22 to 28, 2008


2008年のWeb標準 | Web標準Blog | ミツエーリンクス

by kuroyagi
"Web標準とブラウザーのかかわりとして、やはりIE8が大きなトピックであったように思います。新しい標準モードの導入については、後方互換性をふまえながら前進することの難しさを考えさせられました。(略)また、Opera 9.5やFirefox 3.0、Google Chromeなど、新しいブラウザーのリリースも活発な一年でした。JavaScript処理の高速化やユーザーインターフェースの改良も盛んに行われており、今後どう進化していくのかが楽しみです。"

Algorithm Ink | Aza Raskin

by Xavier Lacot
Algorithm Ink is a port and extension of Context Free by Aza Raskin. The original grammar was originally conceived of by Chris Coyne. Algorithm Ink uses open-web, standards-based tools: no plugins required. You can even right-click to save the drawings. The caveat is that Firefox 3, and Opera 9.5 are the only browsers to fully support Canvas, so it may run slower on Safari, and not at all in Internet Explorer.

With Browsershot it takes a click to test your web design in different browsers | Kabatology ~ Open Source, Linux

by parmentierf
rowsershots is a web application that offers the fastest way to check your web design in different browsers – it does so in less than 10 minutes and eliminates the need to jump from one operating system to the other. This web application takes thumbnails of webpages on the Linux, BSD, Windows and Mac platforms and deploys over 50 different browser including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Konqueror, Opera, Navigator, Safari – and many other unknown browsers.

速度で選ぶ次世代ブラウザー IE 8だけじゃない

by kuroyagi

かわいそうなウェブ開発者を助けて! | 秋元

by kuroyagi

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Xavier Lacot
last mark : 01/07/2008 10:25

last mark : 18/06/2008 08:16

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last mark : 21/03/2008 15:01