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PUBLIC MARKS with tag peace


by bearglass008 (via) ___ Birth ()f a strategic force detecting oil " petrole " at a distant area , more advanced than modern technology - see blog :



The production is over - Gaza Sderot - Life in spite of everything - BLOG

by alexandre
When I started this production I was disconnected from the local reality, from the feelings of Sderot's people on the one side and especially from the people of Gaza. While working, I started understanding there's another side of the coin here. Over Face book, I made some friends, had fun and laughs with them, suddenly I was communicating. A sympathy to the other side developed: here are young people, like me. They have the same needs and dreams.

حروبكم المستمرة هو اعتداء على الانسان والبيئة

by iep
معوقات تطور الديمقراطية في العراق وكيفية معالجة المعارضة لخيبتها

النموذج البيئي للنظام القانوني

by iep
فقدان الحقوق القانونية وضعف جهاز القضاء العراقي وعدم فعالية نقابة المحاميين وافتقار لجنة قضائية تاديبية لمحاسبة المحاميين عن الاهمال والخطـأ الذي يرتكبوه نتج عنه ظلم يعاني منه ولحق اضرار بالضعفاء والفقراء ولمعاقين واليتامى والنساء الارامل والاميين . في حين اخذ السياسيين يتمتعون بمميزات وتلك الامور لم تعد من بعد تطاق من قبل المجتمع العراقي


The Nobel PrizeEducational Games

by knann & 1 other
You don't have to be a genius to understand the work of the Nobel Laureates. These games and simulations, based on Nobel Prize-awarded achievements, will teach and inspire you while you're having FUN! Students, teachers and non-professionals of all ages will enjoy testing and building their knowledge in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, peace and economics. So, go ahead, Explore and Learn!

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last mark : 22/10/2007 03:43