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PUBLIC MARKS with tags php & debug



XHProf Analytics – a profiler for PHP

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
A nice GUI to XHProf, the profiler for PHP applications.




symfony | Web PHP Framework | Plugins | firesymfonyPlugin | 1.0.2

by Xavier Lacot
This plugin extends the web debug toolbar to send the debug information as a JSON object to the FireSymfony Firebug extension.

firesymfony :: Firefox Add-ons

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
FireSymfony is a Symfony web debug toolbar for Firebug. This is the Firefox extension.

Obvious Hints: FireSymfony - A Firebug extension for symfony

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
Using Firebug for Symfony debug : a sfWebDebug extension combined with a Symfony extension.

symfony | Web PHP Framework | Blog | New in symfony 1.2: Customize the Web Debug Toolbar

by kasi77
The symfony web debug toolbar is one of the developer best friend. It is always conveniently accessible in the browser when using the development environment. It gives you everything you need to know about the current page and ease the debugging of your applications. Until now, all the information available in this toolbar were hardcoded. But as of symfony 1.2, the web debug toolbar is entirely configurable.

Debug PHP facile avec Firefox, Firebug et FirePHP - Prendre un Café

by ghis & 3 others
Une extension Firefox pour débugger facilement du php.

sfFirePHP plugin

by Xavier Lacot & 1 other
FirePHP enables you to print to your Firebug Console using a simple PHP function call. What makes FirePHP different? All data is sent via a set of X-FirePHP-Data response headers. This means that the debugging data will not interfere with the content on your page. Thus FirePHP is ideally suited for AJAX development.

Conférence : Déboguer une application web avec FirePHP - Dur Comme Faire

by camel
Le sujet était "Déboguer une application web avec FirePHP". Déboguer une application web peut rapidement devenir fastidieux. L'utilisation d'un débogueur simplifie ce processus mais il n'est pas toujours possible d'en utiliser un. FirePHP est une extension Firefox qui permet de fournir des informations de déboguage sans interférer avec l'affichage de l'application web. Cela est particulièrement pratique pour déboguer de l'Ajax par exemple.

Introducing xdebug

by loopinglechat & 4 others (via)
This article is the first installment of a five-part series of articles covering xdebug, a free and open source swiss army knife tool for PHP developers. xdebug is a PHP extension created by Derick Rethans, one of the PHP core developers. This week, we will show you how to install xdebug and introduce you to some of the basic features. In the subsequent parts of this article series, we will have a closer look at one of xdebug's main features, namely tracing, profiling, debugging, and code coverage.

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