Blog | Symfony2 Online Conference | symfony | Web PHP Framework
by kasi77Yesterday and the day before, Sensio Labs organized the first Symfony2 online conference. It was a great success with more than 350 attendees (from over 35 different countries), and a dozen hubs around the world. Thankfully, the platform worked fine.
Web Security Blog
by xenomorphIt's that time of year again, when I get to work on new features (instead of supporting the old ones). With a major change to the version number of the way I took the opportunity to introduce major improvements too. ModSecurity 2.0.0-dev1 is available right now and it offers the following major improvements:
Handling Character Encodings
by nicolasdI’ve written some PHP to first detect the most likely encoding as either being UTF-8, ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1252. If it is UTF-8, nothing needs to be done with it. If it’s ISO-8859-1 or Windows-1252, we need to convert it to UTF-8.
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