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PUBLIC MARKS with tags politics & politique



Political Memory - La Quadrature du Net

by rike_
Political Memory is a toolbox designed to help you reach members of European Parliament (MEPs), and track their voting records. We hope it will help citizens to get to better know their elected representatives, and to allow them to inform them on the issues covered by La Quadrature du Net.


Snazzy new technology isn't enough to bring transparency to the White House. - By John Dickerson - Slate Magazine

by alexnihilo
"Finding new ways to sell your message is not the same as making yourself more transparent. In fact, obscuring the message with shiny distractions may actually undermine the cause of transparency."

We Can Solve It

by alexnihilo
The We Campaign is a project of The Alliance for Climate Protection -- a nonprofit, nonpartisan effort founded by Nobel laureate and former Vice President Al Gore. The goal of the Alliance is to build a movement that creates the political will to solve the climate crisis -- in part through repowering America with 100 percent of its electricity from clean energy sources within 10 years. Our economy, national security, and climate can’t afford to wait.



makeworlds | border=0 location=yes

by rike_
Makeworlds paper#4 is a product of collaborative text filtering and appeared in a circulation of 10,000 hard copies on dead tree. It was produced as a collection of associated or complementary or auxiliary text material at the occasion of NEURO--networking europe, from February 26-29 in Munich (DE). But also beyond the actual event the paper will be valuable as a entry point to the various debates, presentations, workshops and audio-visual productions during and around the festival.

Marxism and Democracy by Michael Harrington

by bader
The purpose of Michael Harrington’s essay is to document and interpret the democratic foundations of Marxism through three different ways: first, reviewing Marx’s analyses of democracy and his political conclusions; second, dealing with Marx’s theory of democracy and capitalism; and finally, discussing bureaucratic collectivism in the [former] Soviet Union and the role of democracy in collectivized societies.

CEVIPOF - Le baromètre politique français - Elections 2007

by lydiecab
Le CEVIPOF, laboratoire de recherche politique, baromètre politique français


by rike_ est un site d'information et de publication relatif aux problématiques de la géopolitique des drogues illicites en Asie. Il sert la diffusion de l'information géographique en proposant des ressources documentaires pour la recherche en sciences humaines, sociales et politiques.

Chirac héros d'un film satirique

by catalonestudio
Jacques Chirac est le héros d'un documentaire satirique qui raille impitoyablement ses 40 ans de carrière politique. Le film de 90 minutes sortira en salle le 31 mai.


Poor girl

by anbll
On trouve des produits bio partout maintenant.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag politics

bush +   coverup +   katrina +   politicalcartoon +  

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