Sortie de la JSR286 - Version 2 de l'API Portlet Java
by nhoizeyCette nouvelle version apporte le support des événements (une portlet peut envoyer ou recevoir des évènements), une gestion des paramètres publics pouvant être partagée entre différentes portlets (Public parameter renderer), le "resource serving"
UI Sortable: Layout Demo
by nhoizeyVoilà enfin un drag & drop de portlets qui fonctionne bien avec jQuery UI !
Project Stringbeans Portal
by BastienStringbeansTM is a platform for building enterprise information portals. The platform is composed of three components: a portal container/server, a Web Services platform, and a process automation engine. At this time we have released the portal server and Web services platform. The process automation engine will be released in the near future.
Portlet Tutorial
by Bastien 1. Introduction
2. Installing Eclipse
3. Installing JBoss Portal 2.2
4. Creating the project
5. Classpath settings
6. portlet.xml
7. web.xml
8. Hello World!
9. xwork.xml
10. JBoss Portal descriptors
11. Deployment
12. Next step
13. Re-deployment
Développement WebSphere Portal : par où commencer ?
by BastienVous l'avez probablement constaté, en ce moment, les portails ont le vent en poupe. Ca tombe bien, depuis quelques temps, je suis plutôt versé sur WebSphere Portal, et ce n'est pas pour me déplaire après 3 ans & demi consacrés quasi-exclusivement au développement Lotus Domino (avec un peu de PHP entre les deux). Toutefois, c'est un univers vaste et très différent de ce dernier, et la bête n'est pas forcément facile à dompter ni même à aborder. Voici quelques liens que j'ai recueilli au fil de mes aventures et qui pourraient intéresser ceux qui débutent dans le domaine : ...
Welcome to Netvibes' Developers Network
by nhoizey & 8 others (via)UWA is the new Netvibes API. Through it, your Netvibes widgets will be available on every widget platforms or blog systems: Netvibes of course, but also Google IG, Apple Dashboard and many more...
Orbeon Forms User Guide - JSR-168 Portlets
by nhoizey (via)Orbeon Forms also provides the Orbeon Forms Portlet, which supports the implementation of standard Java portlets that can be deployed within any portal or portlet container compatible with the Java Portlet specification. This specification is also known as JSR-168.
JSR 168, WSRP, Portlets & Enterprise Portal: JSR 286 (Portlet Specification V 2.0) Preview
by nhoizey & 1 otherYou will find everything related to portlets, enterprise portal servers, WSRP & JSR 168. Issues include Portlet FAQ, Source Codes, Tutorials, Examples, Study Material, News, and Articles related to Portal and Portlet technology. Hope this blog will help in learning portlets and related issues.
The Java Community Process(SM) Program - JSRs: Java Specification Requests - detail JSR# 286
by nhoizey (via)Version 2.0 of the Portlet Specification plans to align with J2EE 1.4, integrate other new JSRs relevant for the portlet, and align with the WSRP specification V 2.0
JSR 168, WSRP, Portlets & Enterprise Portal
by nhoizeyYou will find everything related to portlets, enterprise portal servers, WSRP & JSR 168. Issues include Portlet FAQ, Source Codes, Tutorials, Examples, Study Material, News, and Articles related to Portal and Portlet technology.
PortletBridge - PortletBridge Portlet
by nhoizey & 1 otherThe PortletBridge Portlet project creates a JSR-168 Portlet that can proxy and rewrite content from a downstream web site. Currently, the portlet supports: Getting content from a downstream site, Proxy configuration (including NTLM and Basic authentication), NTLM and Basic authentication as preferences, Using an xsl stylesheet to rewrite the content from the downstream site, Proxying of remote resources (e.g. images, flash etc.), Pluto 1.0.1 rc2, JBoss Portal 2.0, LifeRay Professional 3.6.0, XSL Stylesheets packaged as part of the portlet or remote (URL based), Rewriting CSS urls, Moving javascript and css links out of the head, Hiding of downstream URLs and configurable scope, Back button and refresh support
Manning: Portlets and Apache Portals
by nhoizey & 2 others (via)Portlets and Apache Portals explains how to develop JSR 168 and WSRP compliant portlets and how to test and deploy these portlets on Apache open source software. Richly illustrated with useful code examples. By the creators of WSRP and JSR 168 portlet standards.
uPortal 3 User Interface - uPortal - JA-SIG Wiki
by nhoizeyUn excellent travail préparatoire pour la conception de l'interface du portail logiciel libre uPortal dans sa version 3
Les portlets en cinq questions
by kasi77Quelles sont les principales fonctions d'un portlet ? Comment ce type de composant s'articule t-il avec une infrastructure de portail ? Quelle différence entre portlets et connecteurs ? Quelques pistes pour mieux comprendre.
(15 marks)