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💬 COVID19 - STOPCOVID (repose sur la protocole ROBERT) - « Contact tracing » : Bruno Sportisse, PDG d’Inria, donne quelques éléments pour mieux comprendre les enjeux | Inria

by decembre
Messieurs Olivier Véran et Cédric O, ont annoncé le 8 avril 2020 qu’un travail était mené pour construire le prototype d’une application française, STOPCOVID, dans le cadre d’une stratégie globale de déconfinement. Le leadership du projet, qui associe acteurs publics et privés, a été confié à Inria. La France participe, au travers d’Inria, à l’initiative PEPP-PT aux côtés d’équipes allemandes, italiennes et suisses. Les équipes d’Inria publient aujourd’hui, conjointement avec nos partenaires du Fraunhofer, le protocole ROBERT - pour ROBust and privacy-presERving proximity Tracing – qui représente l’état de l’art de nos réflexions sur l’architecture technique d’une application de « contact tracing » respectueuse des valeurs européennes. Ce protocole est disponible sous Github comme les pratiques scientifiques standard le veulent. Ce texte a vocation à expliquer en des termes compréhensibles par tous ce que contient ce protocole, mais surtout les présupposés et l’esprit dans lequel il a été conçu. Il est important, dans l’urgence qui caractérise les circonstances exceptionnelles que nous vivons, de faire le point, sereinement, sur un sujet difficile, qui brasse des dimensions multiples. Afin de poser le cadre, il me semble utile de commencer par rappeler ce qu’une application qui reposerait sur ce protocole n’est pas, eu égard aux interrogations légitimes qui s’expriment et aux confusions qui peuvent avoir lieu.


Google Analytics - Data Processing Amendment

by dzc
"The Google Ads Data Processing Terms will supersede and replace the existing Analytics Data Processing Amendment"

Google Analytics - Avenant relatif au traitement des données

by dzc
"Les conditions relatives au traitement des données Google Ads remplaceront l'Avenant existant relatif au traitement des données Analytics"


Hidden from Google

by gregg & 1 other
A list of search results omitted, erased, or censored due to the "Right to be forgotten"

Skybox Imaging - Skybox Imaging + Google

by sbrothier
We’re thrilled to announce that Skybox Imaging has entered into an agreement to be acquired by Google! Five years ago, we began the Skybox journey to revolutionize access to information about the changes happening across the surface of the Earth. We’ve made great strides in the pursuit of that vision. We’ve built and launched the world’s smallest high­-resolution imaging satellite, which collects beautiful and useful images and video every day. We have built an incredible team and empowered them to push the state­-of­-the-­art in imaging to new heights. The time is right to join a company who can challenge us to think even bigger and bolder, and who can support us in accelerating our ambitious vision.

Google Under Fire for Data-Mining Student Email Messages - Education Week

by gregg
As part of a potentially explosive lawsuit making its way through federal court, giant online-services provider Google has acknowledged scanning the contents of millions of email messages sent and received by student users of the company’s Apps for Education tool suite for schools.


NSA infiltrates links to Yahoo, Google data centers worldwide, Snowden documents say - The Washington Post

by sbrothier
The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, according to documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden and interviews with knowledgeable officials.

Amid NSA Outrage, Big Tech Companies Plan to Track You Even More Aggressively | Wired Business |

by gregg
Some of the biggest companies in tech are assembling new forms of online tracking that would follow users more aggressively than the open technologies used today. Just this week, word arrived that Microsoft is developing such a system, following, apparently, in the footsteps of Google.

Terms and Conditions May Apply - Movie Trailers - iTunes

by sbrothier
Admit it: you don’t really read the endless terms and conditions connected to every website you visit, phone call you make or app you download. But every day, billion-dollar corporations are learning more about your interests, your friends and family, your finances, and your secrets, and they’re not only selling the information to the highest bidder, but also sharing it with the government. And you agreed to all of it. This disquieting exposé demonstrates how every one of us is incrementally opting-in to a real-time surveillance state, click by click- and what, if anything, you can do about it.

When Your Data Is Currency, What Does Your Privacy Cost? : Monkey See : NPR

by sbrothier (via)
There was considerable mouth-dropping from publications such as The New York Times at initial reports this week that NSA programs are gathering both telephone records and information gleaned from large tech companies like Google and Microsoft. But as those reports have settled in, reactions have gotten more complex.

« J’ai 60 ans et je suis enceinte » : la vie à travers les yeux de Google | Une Zapnet Rue89

by sbrothier & 1 other
L’autocomplétion nous propose automatiquement un prolongement de ce qu’on tape dans un moteur de recherche, en fonction de la popularité des requêtes. « A partir de milliards de recherches, Google a établi le profil type de ses utilisateurs et se fait le reflet des peurs, des préoccupations et des obsessions de l’être humain », explique à Marius Budin, réalisateur de la vidéo « La Vie à travers les yeux de Google ».



Pour Tim O’Reilly, améliorer le monde vaut bien un peu de vie privée | ReadWriteWeb France

by kasi77
“si nous utilisions collecti­vement nos données de santé comme Google utilise le nombre de clics sur ses liens”

GoogleのBuzz、悪い宣伝などというものはない…… - ITmedia エンタープライズ

by kuroyagi
"皆さんが無料のサービスを利用して、完全なプライバシーを得ることはない。自分の情報の一部を、強化されたサービスに対して提供するか、利用しないかのどちらかだ。  覚えておいてほしい。Googleは皆さんの友人ではない。ビジネスなのだ。"

Top 10 Google Settings You Should Know About - Google settings - Lifehacker

by ghis
As the outcry over Google Buzz's privacy has shown us, it's smart to explore settings in Gmail, along with other places you're sharing data with the search giant. Let's take a look at 10 privacy, convenience, and annoyance fixers you should know.

Internet Survival Guide for Traveling Where Privacy Isn't Respected - Google - Lifehacker

by ghis
Two things have really changed the face of independent backpacker travel in the last decade: digital cameras and—even more so—the internet. While some people can afford the luxury of traveling with a laptop or even a netbook, a real backpacker doesn't want to have to carry the extra weight nor the responsibility of carrying expensive equipment that would be difficult to lug around, relatively easy to steal, and expensive to replace.

グーグル? すごいとは思わないね:日経ビジネスオンライン

by kuroyagi
"グーグルですごいと言われているのは、いずれもグレーゾーンのものではないか。検索連動広告は米ヤフーの真似だし、ストリートビューはすごいけど一種の「のぞき」。ブックサーチは著作権無視のコピーだ。YouTubeだって、違法の動画がトラフィックの多くを占めている。  すごいのはすごいけど、そういうことを企業としてやってしまってもいいのか。ヤフーなら絶対に、手前で法務からストップがかかる。 "


by kemar
"You're No One If You're Not On Twitter" chanson sur twitter à écouter absolument ! [from]

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