November 2006
July 2006
by YukuanMark西元1827年,英國植物學家勞伯‧布朗 (Robert Brown) 利用一般的顯微鏡觀察懸浮於水中的花粉粒時,發現這些花粉粒會做連續快速而不規則的隨機移動,這種移動稱為布朗運動 (Brownian motion)。
Random Number Generator Source Code
by YukuanMarkThis is an ANSI C library for multi-stream random number generation. The use of this library is recommended as a replacement for the ANSI C rand() and srand() functions, particularly in simulation applications where the statistical 'goodness' of the rando
September 2005
Pokulator - Flash Poker Odds Calculator
by Beans0063Calculate hand odds for single and multiple hand players as well as has quiz yourself on poker odds.
(9 marks)