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PUBLIC MARKS with tags référence & webdesign


Web Platform - Your Web, documented.

by emmanuelc & 4 others
Your Web, documented. video preview Opening the Web Platform We are an open community of developers building resources for a better web, regardless of brand, browser or platform. Anyone can contribute and each person who does makes us stronger. Together we can continue to drive innovation on the Web to serve the greater good. It starts here, with you


CSS Reference

by -Nicolas- & 9 others
Welcome to the SitePoint CSS Reference! We’ve worked hard to make this the most detailed and up-to-date reference on the subject available. To get started, try our handy search box, or click on one of the headings to browse that section of the reference.


Beware of XHTML

by rmaltete & 2 others
If you're a web developer, you've probably heard about XHTML, the markup language developed in 1999 to implement HTML as an XML format. Most people who use and promote XHTML do so because they think it's the newest and hottest thing, and they may have heard of some (usually false) benefits here and there. But there is a lot more to it than you may realize, and if you're using it on your website, even if it validates, you are probably using it incorrectly.

dotMobi Mobile Web Developers Guide | Blue Flavor

by -Nicolas- & 2 others (via)
Techniques and information required to create a basic site that will work well on the majority of phones.

CSS : position float

by rmaltete
La position float retire une boîte du flux normal pour la placer le plus à droite ou le plus gauche possible dans son conteneur. Comment l'utiliser dans une mise en page CSS ?


CSS smooth operator // Tite site collection.

by -Nicolas- & 1 other (via)
Tite site collection, conforms to Standards and designed with CSS.

ALL HTML - Accueil

by -Nicolas- & 24 others
Le nouveau ALL HTML est non plus seulement un portail d'informations dédié aux webmasters / développeurs, mais également un formidable outil de diffusion et d'échanges entre internautes intéressés par les nouvelles technos. - Get inspired!

by -Nicolas- & 7 others, 1 comment is the web's new premier source for showcasing excellent websites and inspire artists all alike to create spectacular work of their own. We have the largest collection of websites you will ever lay your eyes on, and it keeps on growing every day.

Bulletproof HTML: 37 Steps to Perfect Markup [Privacy and Trust]

by -Nicolas- & 5 others
This article highlights and answers some of the most frequently asked questions about HTML. HTML is the foundation of the Web, and both developers and designers need to understand it.

» CSS: Techniques, Tutorials, Layouts | Smashing Magazine | modern magazine for web-designers and developers

by -Nicolas- & 3 others
Since web-development is a quite dynamic field nowadays, new techniques are being developed and updated all the time. A primary example are CSS-related techniques, which emerge almost every day and offer more possibilities for fellows web-developers. We keep an eye on the recent developments and collect new ideas and methods for our readers. A “fresh” round-up of the “fresh” CSS techniques, tutorials and layouts.

Software Development in the Real World: The Complete List of CSS Tools

by -Nicolas- & 2 others
There are so many great CSS Tools out there to use! Please feel free to use this list as the most up to date list on the Internet.

TUTMarks /

by -Nicolas- & 69 others, 1 comment
TUTMARKS est un site web collaboratif spécialisé dans le partage et la promotion de tutoriaux sur Internet, il permet aux internautes de proposer des tutoriaux trouvés sur le web, de les commenter, et d'en évaluer l'intérêt par un système de vote/notation.

Jardin Zen css: La beauté de la conception CSS

by -Nicolas- & 22 others
Une demonstration de ce qu'on peut accomplir lorsqu'on utilise les CSS pour la conception web. Sélectionez n'importe quelle feuille de style listée pour charger le résultat sur cette page

Ajax Journal

by -Nicolas- & 13 others
Bienvenue sur Ajax Journal, une zone d'échange francophone sur Ajax, pour partager des liens, des articles et des avis sur les différents aspects de ces nouvelles technos qui peu à peu changent le visage des applications Web ...

The CSS and XHTML Lab | 456 Berea Street

by -Nicolas- & 10 others
This is a collection of experiments, methods, tips and tricks related to CSS and XHTML that may or may not come in handy some day. Some of these techniques are based on ideas of my own, others are based on techniques, tutorials, and ideas that I’ve come across on the web, on mailing lists, in books, and other places. Some of these examples have step-by-step instructions while others do not. I hope to eventually get around to writing instructions/explanations for all of these examples.


Cascading Style Sheets, level 2 revision 1 CSS 2.1 Specification

by sdaclin & 5 others, 1 comment
[EN] Incontournable pour les développeurs web : la référence CSS2 publiée par le W3C

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