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by blackgoldfish
4人份量 材料 雞翼 4隻 花雕酒 1湯匙 醃料 美極鮮醬油 2湯匙 汁料 話梅 20粒 冰糖 80克 水 2 1/2杯 生抽 1茶匙 老抽 1湯匙 製法 1. 先將雞翼洗淨,抹乾,斬件,以醃料拌勻醃約30分鐘,備用。 2. 話梅用水略沖洗後,與汁料其餘材料一同煮滾,以中火煲20分鐘,拌入花雕酒後,下雞翼件再煮10分鐘,離火,加蓋浸焗20分鐘,上碟,即成。 Maggi 美極入廚好幫手 話梅及冰糖的份量,要視乎話梅大小及個人嗜酸甜味道而定。


焗酥皮海鮮忌廉湯 Baked Seafood Soup with Puff Pastry

by blackgoldfish
預熱焗爐至 200度C。 把海鮮雜錦洗淨,用廚房紙吸乾水份。灑點鹽和胡椒粉拌勻。洋蔥切粒備用。 燒熱平底易潔鑊,下橄欖油,把海鮮雜錦分批略煎至兩面微黃。所有海鮮雜錦回鑊,倒進白酒,水份收乾一些,兜起備用。 用廚房紙把鑊抹乾凈,下牛油燒熱,放下洋蔥粒,炒至透明軟身。轉小火,加麵粉炒片刻,轉中大火。分兩、三次加雞湯及清水,每次煮至滾(煮開),並隨加隨拌勻。倒回海鮮雜錦,加鮮奶及鮮忌廉,開始滾就熄火,灑下酌量鹽和胡椒粉調味,拌入 parsley碎。倒進焗盤中。 用酥皮蓋在焗盤上,輕輕按邊緣,酥皮表面掃上蛋汁。小心放入焗爐中,焗約 10-15分鐘,或直至酥皮表面轉金黃色。即成。


Pumpkin Pecan Chocolate Chunk Cookies

by blackgoldfish
Pumpkin Pecan Chocolate Chunk Cookies 2 1/4 cup self-rising flour 3 tsp pumpkin pie spice 3/4 cup butter, room temperature 1 1/4 cup light brown sugar 1 cup sugar 2 tsp vanilla 2 eggs 1 cup canned pumpkin 1 cup chopped pecans 1 1/2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chunks Whisk together flour and pumpkin pie spice. Set aside. In a large mixing bowl, cream butter. Add both sugars and beat until light and fluffy. Add vanilla. Add eggs one at a time and beat until combined. Add flour/spice mixture to sugar mixture in three additions. Alternate with pumpkin in two additions, ending with flour mixture. Stir in chopped pecans and chocolate chunks. Drop on cookie tray lined with parchment paper. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Makes about four dozen cookies. Let cool.

Oreo Truffles

by blackgoldfish
1 package oreo cookies (divided… use cookie including the cream center) 1 8oz. package cream cheese (softened) white chocolate bark 1. Finely crush 7 cookies in a food processor or place them in a ziploc bag and crush into a fine consistency. Reserve for later. 2. Crush remaining cookies and stir in softened cream cheese. Use the back of a large spoon to help mash the two together. 3. Roll the mixture into 1" balls and place on wax paper covered cookie sheet. 4. Melt chocolate as directed on the package and then dip balls into chocolate, tap off extra and set aside on wax paper covered cookie sheet to dry. You can sprinkle the tops with the 7 crushed cookies for decoration. (I usually eat mine before they make it to this stage.) 5. Once dry, refrigerate and enjoy! Makes about 36 truffles.



by blackgoldfish


by blackgoldfish

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