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PUBLIC MARKS with tags rfc & rss

26 October 2006

22 October 2006

Atom Publishing Protocol Support

by fakechris
The Atom Publishing Protocol is a new protocol being developed at the IETF as part of their Atom Publishing Format and Protocol working group that lets you manipulate Atom feeds over a REST-style HTTP interface

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag rfc

418 +   auth +   Cafe +   cafetiere +   coffee +   Cookie +   diagramme +   documentation +   draft +   extension +   geeeeeeeeeek +   headers +   httcpcp +   http +   http 1.1 +   humour +   ietf +   joke +   ldap +   mime +   programming +   protocol +   reference +   rss +   schéma +   standard +   status +   tcp +   theiere +   urn:ietf:rfc:2616 +   urn:ietf:rfc:3023 +   web +   webdav +   webdev +   xml +  

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last mark : 26/10/2006 02:51