October 2007
ConTEXT Programmers Editor - home
by parmentierfConTEXT is a small, fast and powerful freeware text editor, developed mainly to serve as secondary tool for software developers.
September 2007
by cascamortoRedmine est une application web, solution flexible de gestion de projet, utilisant un framework Ruby on Rails.
March 2007
Mongrel: Home
by jpcaruana & 5 others (via)Mongrel is a fast HTTP library and server for Ruby that is intended for hosting Ruby web applications of any kind using plain HTTP rather than FastCGI or SCGI. It is framework agnostic and already supports Ruby On Rails, Og Nitro, Camping, and IOWA frameworks.
January 2007
Fork JavaScript
by cascamorto & 4 othersFork is a a general purpose, namespaced JavaScript library with Ajax, Events, DOM manipulation. There are a few bonus lines of code specifically for use with Ruby on Rails but Fork can be happily used outside of Rails also.
October 2006
March 2006
#ProgX - 5 ans d'articles, gratuits !
by parmentierfPresque tous les articles écrit dans l'ex(cellent) Login: par l'excellent Romain Guy.
February 2006
(9 marks)