Simon Heys » Screensavr
by nhoizeyScreensavr displays images from Flickr as a constantly flowing stream. It can take images from your photostream, sets, favourites or groups. The display is stored so that the screensaver can pick up where it left off last time
Simon Heys » Word Clock
by nhoizeyWord Clock is a typographic screensaver for Mac OS X. It displays a fixed list of all numbers and words sufficient to express any possible date and time as a sentence. Word Clock displays time by highlighting appropriate words as each second passes.
OliveToast - Purveyors of fine Macintosh software
by nhoizeyA screen saver which generates attractive collages of your photos or images.
plasq.com - sqreensavers
by nhoizeyA set of 10 candylicious screensavers taken
from our set of Visualisers in Rax.
Download Free Screensaver - Holding Pattern
by pfgarnier
Holding Pattern turns your idle computer screen into an airplane window, complete with a moving aerial view. Each time the screensaver plays a unique sequence.
(5 marks)