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PUBLIC MARKS with tags site & tutorial


Simple jQuery Spy Effect | jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts

by camel & 3 others
The great thing about Realmac's QuickSnapper site is that if JavaScript is turned off, the list of snaps is visible by default. So we'll follow suit. It's also worth noting that their version only keep pulling in new items until it hits the end. I'll show you how you can keep the list looping, and in a follow up tutorial I'll show you how to hook this in to an Ajax hit that doesn't hammer your server and keeps the effect nice and smooth.

Create a Photo Admin Site Using PHP and jQuery - NETTUTS

by camel & 2 others (via)
I'm pleased to present you with part one of a two part series on creating a photo site using PHP, jQuery, and AJAX. Originally, I intended to fit the entire tutorial into one screencast, but that quickly became a pipe dream as I realized that there was simply too much to cover. Nevertheless, even if you only watch this first video, you should learn a great deal. We'll be retrieving images from a database, creating a simple login form with authentication, and will then allow for our database to be asynchronously updated. Sounds good? If so, let's get into it.


A Recipe for OpenID-Enabling Your Site

by camel & 8 others (via)
This is a step-by-step tutorial guide for implementing OpenID consumer-side support with a web site that already has users with accounts. It will explain how to easily let new users sign up for an account on your site using their OpenID URL and how to let existing users attach their OpenID(s) so they can sign in using them.

Web Site Optimization: 13 Simple Steps [Apache & IIS Configuration]

by camel & 1 other (via)
This tutorial takes a practical, example-based approach to implementing those rules. It's targeted towards web developers with a small budget, who are most likely using shared hosting, and working under the various restrictions that come with such a setup. Shared hosts make it harder to play with Apache configuration -- sometimes it's even impossible -- so we'll take a look at what you can do, given certain common restrictions, and assuming your host runs PHP and Apache.


Didacticiels, guides et tutoriaux sur internet

by Giraultises & 69 others, 1 comment (via)
TUTMarks est un digg qui rassemble quelques tutoriaux. C'est un bon concept de site Web pour le partage et la promotions de didacticiels.

15 Seconds : A Step-by-Step Guide To Using MySQL with ASP.NET - Part 1

by bcpbcp
Back in the days of classic ASP, if you were building a database-driven web site, your choice was either to invest a lot of money to get a copy of Microsoft SQL Server (or some other enterprise-ready database) or invest a lot of time finding a way to deal with the performance and scalability limitations of Microsoft Access. Luckily these days there's another viable alternative: MySQL.


Stencil Revolution

by mitten & 3 others
tutorials for stenciling & making color images into stencil-like images

by mitten & 2 others
detailed tutorial on colorizing a portrait, plus many more

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