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PUBLIC MARKS with tags source-code & css

October 2006


by fredbird
Je suis l'auteur du noyau générique webAppKit, et du quizz en ligne collaboratif quizzGeek. Chacun de ces deux projets a déjà son propre blog, donc je parlerai surtout ici de choses plus générales, dont quelques librairies génériques sur lesquelles ils s'appuient; et que j'ai également la plupart du temps commises.

June 2006

Dynamic Drive CSS Library- Practical CSS codes and examples

by fredbird & 57 others
Welcome to Dynamic Drive's new CSS library! Here you'll find original, practical CSS codes and examples such as CSS menus to give your site a visual boast.

January 2006

December 2005

Robert’s talk » The Ultimate getElementsByClassName

by fredbird & 5 others
To get all a elements in the document with a “info-links” class. getElementsByClassName(document, "a", "info-links"); To get all div elements within the element named “container”, with a “col” class. getElementsByClassName(document.getElementById("container"), "div", "col"); To get all elements within in the document with a “click-me” class. getElementsByClassName(document, "*", "click-me");

November 2005

Behaviour : Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript behaviours

by fredbird & 27 others
That's why I came up with Behaviour - my solution to unobtrusive javascript behaviours. Behaviour lets you use CSS selectors to specify elements to add javascript events to. This means that instead of writing:

September 2005 | Some CSS-related javascript utility functions

by fredbird & 2 others
Quelques functions javascript pour manipuler les attributs class des objets DOM

July 2005

Complex Dynamic Lists: Your Order Please: A List Apart

by fredbird & 5 others
In our struggle to reduce the number of steps site visitors must take to accomplish their goals, we face a number of challenges. One of them is to provide a good way for users to choose from a list of hierarchical elements. For example, a list that serves as a diner menu, offering a selection of drinks, main dishes, salads, and desserts.

June 2005

Simon Willison: getElementsBySelector()

by fredbird & 2 others (via)
Inspired by Andy, I decided to have a crack at something I've been thinking about trying for a long time. document.getElementsBySelector is a javascript function which takes a standard CSS style selector and returns an array of elements objects from the document that match that selector.

May 2005

Content with Style: A CSS Framework

by fredbird & 20 others
a CSS framework, allowing rapid development of sites with pre-written and tested components. All that's really required to produce this is a set of naming conventions and a flexible base template...

Showing and Hiding a DIV using CSS and Javascript

by RUDEWORKS & 8 others (via)
There are many situations encountered when designing a webpage where showing and hiding a div using a link is useful.


by fredbird & 3 others
domCollapse allows you to collapse and expand parts of page by clicking other parts of a page. To identify a trigger element, you add the class "trigger" to it as an attribute. This will automatically collapse the next following element in the document tree.

Showing and Hiding a DIV using CSS and Javascript

by fredbird & 8 others
There are many situations encountered when designing a webpage where showing and hiding a div using a link is useful.


by fredbird & 7 others
Small script to easily display hover tool tips You can attach a popup to anything by simply giving it a class of 'hasHelp' and an id. Then adding the help text to a blockquote and giving that a class of 'helpContents' and an id of 'xxxHelp' where xxx is the id of the element it's related to.

[brothercake] Docking boxes (dbx)

by fredbird & 9 others
Docking boxes (dbx) adds animated drag 'n' drop, snap-to-grid, and show/hide-contents functionality to any group of elements. And ... in what might be another world-first for brothercake - dbx is fully accessible to the keyboard as well as the mouse, an action I've dubbed press 'n' move

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag source-code

blog +   checkbox +   css +   dev +   dom +   framework +   javascript +   lang:en +   lang:fr +   license:pd +   list +   logiciel-libre +   php +   radio +   sort +   style +   table +   tech +   type:article +   type:log +   web +   web-design +   web-dev +   xhtml +  

Active users

last mark : 22/10/2006 23:14

last mark : 12/05/2005 10:25