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PUBLIC MARKS with tags springnet & business

May 2008

Bare Feet Studios

by springnet
@roxannedarling Bare Feet Studios LLC is a small, curious, tech-savvy company based in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, owned by Roxanne Darling and Shane Robinson. We participate in and advise on New Media and the Social Web to connect people and solve problems.

Work Happy Now!

by springnet
Maximizing your work happiness should be the theme of your working life. Happiness creates success. When you stop putting in the hours and start extracting joy from work, you'll be successful.

March 2008


by springnet
Scoble's new venture after podtech... great time at sxsw in Austin w Scoble and friends at Salt Lick BBQ

Make Money Blogging

by springnet
The following income streams (from a number of blogs) have helped me to earn a six figure income each year for the last three years from blogging. I’ve ranked them from highest to lowest.

Blog Tips to Help You Make Money Blogging - ProBlogger

by springnet & 19 others
Here’s a quick AdSense tip that could make you some good money. AdSense offers two rectangle ad unit sizes - 300×250 pixels and 336×280 pixels.


by springnet
The Social Media 100 is a project by Chris Brogan dedicated to writing 100 useful blog posts in a row about the tools, techniques, and strategies behind using social media for your business, your organization, or your own personal interests.

Blog : Texas Startup Blog

by springnet
Techcrunch is reporting Demand Media bought Austin-based Pluck for $75MM cash. Frankly, I am fairly surprised. I first wrote about Pluck after sitting on a panel at the McCombs School of Business (UT @ Austin)

The Top 101 Ways of Making Money Online

by springnet & 2 others
There's no catch and I'm not trying to sell you an ebook. Or anything (read about conmen who do). I'm not even signing you up for a newsletter. This list was put together more as a laugh. It may change your life. Or it may annoy you enormously because of

February 2008

Shopit - The Social Commerce Network

by springnet & 1 other
Shopit's storefront profiles, portable store widgets and networking tools are built for social commerce. Use them to buy, sell, trade, or to just promote yourself, anywhere on the web.

Amendment-backer dogged Domain deal from the start

by springnet
Brian Rodgers is no City Hall mover and shaker. But he has nonetheless shaken things up with his crusade to stop the tax subsidies that Austin granted to the high-end Domain shopping center in 2003.

Wired News

by springnet & 53 others
the monumental, great wired "yahoo rejects microsoft" - Where ideas and people meet | Fast Company

by springnet & 2 others
Fast Company is about to shake things up again. Back in 1995, in our first issue, we announced on our cover: "Computing is...

January 2008

Podcasting Underground | Podcasting Tips for Podcasters

by springnet
In this episode of The Podcasting Underground, I talk about how I make the most money from podcasting and blogging. It’s probably not what you’re thinking. In Q3 of this year I used an often overlooked strategy to generate over $70,000 from my podcast

I, Cringely . The Pulpit . Google-Mart | PBS

by springnet
in a secret area off-limits even to regular GoogleFolk, is a shipping container. But it isn't just any shipping container. This shipping container is a prototype data center. Google hired a pair of very bright industrial designers to figure out how to cra

December 2007

Resources to Make Money Online | TechnoTarget

by springnet
Review Me pays to review products and services on your site. You control what you review. Submit your site for inclusion into our ReviewMe publisher network. One example of many ways to make money online. *****

SocialPicks: social stock picks & research

by springnet
Good Ideas By People You Trust SocialPicks is a community where stock investors exchange ideas and track performance.

Bootstrapper » The 100 Daily Must-Reads for Entrepreneurs

by springnet
The 100 Daily Must-Reads for Entrepreneurs Monday, July 23, 2007 at 7:23pm by admin These days, it seems that almost everyone has a blog, so it’s often hard to separate what’s really worth reading from what isn’t. 100 best sites | Austin High-Tech Online

by springnet
door64 is all about building an online community of high-tech professionals in Austin, Texas. We're just starting out, but growing each day.

April 2007

How IT Is Reinventing Itself as a Strategic Business Partner

by springnet
What businesses need and IT should be providing are innovative solutions to business challenges.

February 2007 » Tutorial » What is dotherightthing?

by springnet
On dotherightthing, you can: * Share information that you discover about companies’ impacts on people and the world * Learn about the activities of companies directly from people and rate the impact of the important ones * Track the “socia

Active users

last mark : 21/05/2008 23:56