public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags springnet & social

May 2008

Internet Marketing and Social Media: Dosh Dosh

by springnet & 2 others
One of the best ways to promote your website or business is to work together with others . . . twitter @doshdosh

Push My Follow » A podcast about social media and other things

by springnet
@pushmyfollow Michael Gaines @istarman - Joe Cascio @joec0914 - Eric Rice @spin - Christine Cavalier @purplecar - Sarah Vela @orchid8 - Ann Boccio @banannie7 podcast about twitter and socialnets ... recommended

April 2008

Loic Le Meur Blog: My social map is totally decentralized but I want it back on my blog

by springnet
The challenge for Friendfeed and the like is that while I really like all my services gathered in one place, I would rather that these would be centralized on my blog instead of a third party service. Yes you can cross post or add badges, but it's not rea's Blog 100 | CNET

by springnet
In 2006, CNET introduced you to our first Blog 100 list. With more than 14 million blogs in existence that year and another 80,000 being created each day, we highlighted what we thought were some of the ones worth checking out. Blogs have become

About JD Lasica

by springnet
J.D. Lasica is one of the world's leading authorities on social media and the revolution in user-created media. A writer, strategist, blogger and consultant, he is the co-founder and editorial director of, president of the Social Media Group


by springnet
aggregates twitter, pownce and facebook with a lot more rss feeds to social networking sites coming. See the Vote page for what they're working on. Contact me for a beta invite

iminta - what are you inta?

by springnet
Iminta has a cool thing going for it: you can put your followers in groups and specify which group sees what... I really like the idea of variable resolution for social feeds. Still in beta as of 3/16/08

March 2008


by springnet & 1 other
Socialthing! is in private beta - see everything that's going on with your friends in all the sites you use, easily figure out where you're missing connections with your friends, interact with multiple sites at once, and more!


by springnet
GoYoDeo is a free video player that allows anyone to publish their personal video content ON TOP of their blogs, social networks and websites. | Home

by springnet & 10 others is a simple service that cuts out the middle man when it comes to posting to your social services such as Facebook, Twitter, Jaiku, Tumblr and Pownce with more being added soon.

by springnet
It’s the same with SXSWi, but the lure of connection, learning and good times at conferences is like the search for magical Disney moments, right? Aww, put on your Mouse ears and go with me on this one….

February 2008

Shopit - The Social Commerce Network

by springnet & 1 other
Shopit's storefront profiles, portable store widgets and networking tools are built for social commerce. Use them to buy, sell, trade, or to just promote yourself, anywhere on the web.

SXSW Videos - Capturing the scenes of South By!

by springnet
viddler has launched this cool way to jot down video notes at SXSW in Austin, TX March 7 - 11 2008 at the Austin Convention Center.


by springnet
This may be better than digg at digg's own game.

January 2008

Infinite Thinking Machine

by springnet
a single-purpose wiki for educators to link to and describe their social networking sites. I'm including a snapshot of the list as it is today, but it keeps growing and as it does so provides an interesting insight into the variety of ways that social net

SocialEngine PHP - Build your own unique social network!

by springnet
SocialEngine is a PHP-based social network platform that lets you create a social network on your website. Right out of the box, your social network will offer nearly all of the features found on today's wildly popular social networks. Instead of hosting

December 2007

The Big Boys of Social Bookmarking - The Top 24 Sites » 10e20 - Search, Design & Social

by springnet
the folks over at eBizMBA have put together a list of the top 20 social bookmarking sites. They based their results on data on a combination of and Quantcast data

8 great digg-like social networks for designers in 2008 - web design news

by springnet
These sites are a fantastic starting point for any creative task and should be the first place to start when searching for a little quick and dirty inspiration (after you visit this site of course).

April 2007


by springnet
access all your social networks (MySpace, Blogs, Flickr, YouTube etc.) from a single entry point


by springnet & 3 others
access all your social networks (MySpace, Blogs, Flickr, YouTube etc.) from a single entry point

New Calacanis link-baiting rules

by springnet
I've developed some deep relationships over the past couple of years blogging and I realize that those relationships manifest themselves in the links I find when I do my 28x a daily ego search over at Technorati.

Active users

last mark : 26/05/2008 15:36