Welcome to Whyville!
by irolsWhyville is a virtual world where boys and girls from all over the real world come to chat, play, learn, and have fun together. You design your face, earn clams by playing games, hang out at the beach, and go to town events at the Greek Theater. You can start your own business, buy a car and give your friends a ride, or write for the town newspaper.
Hop on this helicopter to take a tour of our world!
Team les galapiats - Accueil
by irolsLes premiers pas des galapiats remontent à 1964, date à laquelle leur fondateur, Pierre Monnier, commençait à réunir des gamins de son quartier autour d’un curieux petit bolide. Une dizaine d’années plus tard naissait l’association TEAM Les Galapiats, qui reste à l’origine d’une expérience unique au monde.
(5 marks)