public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags tv & marketing


Les enfants propulsés dans la cour des grands - Veille - Cible -

by irols
Les 6-11 ans sont-ils encore des enfants? La question mérite d'être posée. Car, à force d'être poussés à grandir plus vite, à force d'être confrontés de plus en plus tôt à la réalité des choses, ils tendent à zapper leur enfance. Au risque de devenir des adultes insatisfaits et individualistes.

テレビの世界にもROIの波は押し寄せている - ハックルベリーに会いに行く

by kuroyagi
"「言っては悪いですけど、そういう番組を見ている視聴者の金離れが悪いからなんですよ」ということだった。おバカタレントがたくさん出てくる低俗番組を見ている人は、あまりお金を使わないのだそうである(お金を使わないからそういうテレビを見ているという状況もあるらしい)。" だはは


Ads of the World: Creative Advertising Archive & Community | Your Daily Dose of Creativity from Around the World

by nhoizey & 25 others
Ads of the World is a commercial advertising archive and community showcasing the best and most interesting creative work worldwide.


Телереклама: архив рекламных ТВ роликов

by enchip
Бесплатная подборка рекламных роликов из телевизионного эфира. Поиск по категориям, производителям, торговым маркам. Ролики можно посмотреть или скачать рекламу.

Chevy Forms Multi-Million Dollar Deal With Nickelodeon

by irols (via)
(Promo) Chevrolet has signed a multimillion dollar advertising deal with Nickelodeon as part of a new initiative to reach consumers across multiple platforms.

KTO, Télévision catholique, catholic TV, videos, offices monastiques en direct, spiritualité, prière, théologie, Jésus, prier avec les moines

by irols
V.I.P Jacques Séguéla Présentation Né à Paris en 1934, Docteur en pharmacie, reporter à Paris Match puis à France Soir, aujourd’hui vice-président du groupe Havas, Jacques Séguéla vient de coécrire Sœur Courage aux éditions des Presses de la Renaissance. Un dialogue entre un « fils de pub » et une Fille de la Charité, l’œuvre d’une religieuse en Afrique.

Our tools to add video to your website are free, with revenue share

by irols & 2 others
Now you can add video to your site fast, or build a video channel from scratch -- for free. * Tools We give you templates and powerful admin tools to customize your video pages. * Tools We support the integration of the popular video hosts (so you get the best videos from all across the web). * Tools We provide upload, storage, and bandwidth. Free. * Tools We make sure you have the support you need through our community forums and knowledge base. * Tools We share the ad revenue with you.

World Vision Aids Jakarta Flood Disaster

by JomeiKujo & 1 other
World Vision staff members in Jakarta teamed up Friday to organise and distribute emergency relief aid after severe floods hit the city at dawn Hundreds of thousands of people were forced to flee their homes in a desperate attempt to find a safe place to shelter


Truth In Advertising

by vaginsh
I’m gonna blab on a little bit about some of the creative choices we tried to make and then I’m gonna list a few excuses why it doesn’t, uhh you know, look so good.

9/11 is This Year's Marketing Goldmine

by GorillaSushi
It appears that this September is showing 9/11 to be marketing gold. Newspaper headlines, documentaries, news stories, exposes and a late summer blockbuster movie.

凤凰卫视与FT中文网(by 方军) - 思维的乐趣BLOG

by jackiege

寻找推广《迷失》和其他电视剧的新机遇 - Knowledge@Wharton

by jackiege


by andyparasite
trasmissione di Technology Channel - Sky dedicata alle nuove tecnologie e media

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last mark : 27/01/2006 22:45