public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags twitter & daily

May 2008

Internet Marketing and Social Media: Dosh Dosh

by springnet & 2 others
One of the best ways to promote your website or business is to work together with others . . . twitter @doshdosh

April 2008 Silicon Valley Blog

by springnet
home for early adopters, tech geeks, RSS addicts, and Mac freaks. TiVo, sports, politics. Good daily read.

March 2008


by springnet
SheGeeks is a social network and social media discussion blog. Here, you can find the latest news on new social networks and media tools, technology, twitter, friendfeed, rssmeme, linkriver, web applications, web services and more.

November 2007

J. LeRoy's Evolving Web

by springnet
I'm Living In My Tabset I noticed today that Windows XP pretty much confirms that I no longer use desktop applications like I used to. This is

September 2007

Explore Twitter!

by springnet
Welcome! We needed a place to experiment and help folks get more out of Twitter. Motorola was cool enough to step up and help us launch Explore. If you haven’t yet, try interacting with Twitter through the devices featured below—and watch this space,

August 2007

Pownce : Paul Terry W.

by springnet
pownce page of Paul Terry Walhus or springnet a web developer and one man IT Dept in Austin, Texas

Active users

last mark : 26/05/2008 15:36