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November 2005

Qui a peur de Google? Tout le monde. - Mitternacht Reloaded

by fredbird & 1 other
Ce billet est la traduction à la youpla de cet article de, trouvé via Slashdot. C'est LE résumé que j'attendais concernant l'omniprésence de Google dans... ben... dans tout, c'est le principe de base de l'omniprésence.

Why Google's Business Model is So Revolutionary

by fredbird & 1 other
The more I study them, the more convinced I am that Google has a truly revolutionary business model, and are the most visible pioneers of the emerging 21st century Gift Economy. Microsoft, and the irresponsible brokers who keep flogging overpriced stocks based on unsustainable growth promises, and everyone else who owes their living to the Ponzi scheme that is the modern growth/market economy, should be very afraid.

Slashdot | Google's Secret Plans For All That Dark Fiber?

by fredbird
Google hired a pair of very bright industrial designers to figure out how to cram the greatest number of CPUs, the most storage, memory and power support into a 20- or 40-foot box. We're talking about 5000 Opteron processors and 3.5 petabytes of disk storage that can be dropped-off overnight by a tractor-trailer rig.


by fredbird & 3 others
Play to your strengths. That's the key to success in any industry. This is the week I promised to explain where I think Google is headed, and playing to the company's strengths is key if they are going to do what I think, which is effectively take over the Internet. Oh they won't steal it or strong-arm us. They'll seduce us into giving it to them. And I am not at all sure that's a bad thing.

GooOS, the Google Operating System (

by fredbird & 5 others
Google isn't worried about Yahoo! or Microsoft's search efforts...although the media's focus on that is probably to their advantage. Their real target is Windows. Who needs Windows when anyone can have free unlimited access to the world's fastest computer running the smartest operating system? Weblog: The Secret Source of Google's Power

by fredbird & 4 others
Much is being written about Gmail, Google's new free webmail system. There's something deeper to learn about Google from this product than the initial reaction to the product features, however. Ignore for a moment the observations about Google leapfrogging their competitors with more user value and a new feature or two. Or Google diversifying away from search into other applications; they've been doing that for a while. Or the privacy red herring.

August 2005 | Google Talk

by fredbird
Utilisateur de Gmail, je me suis rué sur GoogleTalk que Google lance en beta aujourd'hui. Il s'agit d'un logiciel client de messagerie instantanée (comme ICQ, MSN, Gaim etc).

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last mark : 25/11/2005 13:40