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PUBLIC MARKS with tags u & war

March 2006

The White House That Cried Wolf

by mikepower
Faced with the unappetizing reality of Iraq, Bush and Rove are relying on that grand old reliable strategy—attack the media. It doesn’t play as well as it used to. Everyone who wants an alternative reality is already watching Fox News.

February 2006

The New Yorker: The Memo by Jane Mayer

by mikepower
How an internal effort to ban the abuse and torture of detainees was thwarted.

Educators face blowback for protesting Iraq war

by mikepower
Just over three years ago, as the nation readied for war with Iraq, elementary school teacher Deb Mayer stood in front of her class and uttered the word that would get her blacklisted from her profession - 'Peace'

Winston-Salem Journal | Fatal motorcycle accidents are epidemic in troops returning from war zones

by mikepower
More US troops have died in off-duty motorcycle accidents since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, than have been killed in combat in Afghanistan over that same time, according to safety records. - Washington's Iraq Blindness

by mikepower
The Iraq that exists in President Bush’s imagination and the real Iraq, the one in which 160,000 U.S. troops occupy a nation sliding into civil war, have never seemed further apart.

December 2005

August 2005

How to Win in Iraq - Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr.

by mikepower
U.S. forces in Iraq have failed to defeat the insurgency or improve security. Winning will require a new approach to counterinsurgency, one that focuses on providing security to Iraqis

Sickening story in The Washington Post

by mikepower
Documents Tell of Brutal Improvisation by GIs: Interrogated General's Sleeping-Bag Death, CIA's Use of Secret Iraqi Squad Are Among Details

July 2005

Iraqi Casualties: Unnamed and Unnoticed

by mikepower
An in-depth look at how we have treated Iraqi civilian deaths by veteran war reporter Judith Coburn

June 2005

Three Things About Iraq - NYT

by mikepower
If the war is going according to plan, someone needs to rethink the plan.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag u

argument +   bush +   debunk +   debunking +   fromDel +   humanrights +   law +   middle-east +   op-ed +   opinion +   politicsgovernment +   terrorism +   usa +   war +  

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last mark : 29/03/2006 07:47