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PUBLIC MARKS with tags usb & portable



Rendez toutes vos applications portables

by Giraultises & 2 others (via)
Cameyo est un logiciel très simple d'utilisation qui vous permettra de rendre "portable" vos applications préférées. Il vous suffit de démarrer ce soft avant une installation "normal" d'une application, puis de le fermer à la fin pour packager cette dernière. Vous pourrez alors emmener le tout sur votre clé USB.

Administration : Portable Ubuntu | VirtualOnPC

by balluche
Portable Ubuntu est une version de la fameuse distribution Linux Ubuntu, basé sur coLinux Kernel, Xming X server et Pulseaudio server pour Windows. Elle vous permet de lancer Ubuntu sur votre bureau Windows sans rebooter et en mode natif (comme n’importe quelle application Windows).


LiberKey - free apps on usb

by wabaus & 1 other
Portable software applications from USB for Windows

OS X Portable Applications

by wabaus & 1 other
Portable software applications from USB drive for Mac OS X.

100 Portable Apps for your USB Stick (for Mac and Win)

by wabaus & 1 other
100 Portable software applications for your USB Stick (for Mac and Win)

by wabaus & 92 others, 1 comment
Portable software applications that run from a USB drive. Windows only.

by wabaus & 3 others
Portable software applications that run from USB drives. Windows and Mac applications.


by nachilau & 1 other
Contain a list of useful portable application in an USB key

Firefox portable ou votre environnement de travail sur une clé USB - Le Blog de la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie du Hainaut

by Monique
Tout bon "geek voyageur" se doit de posséder la version portable de Firefox, version qui tient sur une clé USB et qui vous permet d’avoir accès à tous vos favoris et tous vos modules complémentaires depuis n’importe quel ordinateur. Pour les transférer du navigateur "fixe" vers le navigateur "portable", nous avons, c’est vrai, avancé à tâtons… mais bonne nouvelle pour vous, toutes les étapes de la procédure sont détaillées



by lecyborg
The Asus EeePC is a low cost ultra portable notebook computer. To install Ubuntu on the Asus EeePC in it's stock form, you will have to create a USB based bootable installer or use a USB-connected CD-ROM drive to run/install Ubuntu. In addition to this, a few simple software modifications will have to be completed for hardware support.

USB softs

by Tetsuo6995 & 3 others
Des tas de softs portables en telechargement libre.


DSL Damn Small Linux

by ycc2106 & 21 others
requiers 50mb - Light enough to power a 486DX with 16MB of Ram APPS: XMMS (MP3, CD Music, and MPEG), FTP client, FireFox, spreadsheet, Sylpheed email, word-processor (Ted), three editors, graphics editing and viewing , PDF Viewer, file manager, chat, VNCv

Portable Flock: PocketFlock |

by ycc2106 & 1 other
potable blog editor/browser with social software support

DasBoot - Make your iPod a bootable Mac OS X toolkit

by ycc2106
You can use your device to boot and repair Mac OS X computers* as needed without erasing it and taking away your ability to use it for other purposes such as playing music, or watching videos. With the help of DasBoot™ you get to carry all the tools you

The PortableOSX Project

by ycc2106
PortableOSX installs a full or stripped down version of Mac OS X 10.4 TIGER to a mobile device, such an USB2 or FireWire drive. The resulting OS X installation can be bootable by both Intel and (recent) PPC Macs. It can also generate custom Mac OS X insta

by ycc2106 & 1 other
View and change product keys for installed Microsoft products including Windows and more...

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag usb

application +   applications +   apps +   free +   freeware +   mac +   opensource +   portable +   software +   stick +   tools +   utilities +   windows +  

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