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Troubleshooting the Windows Subsystem for Linux | Microsoft Docs

by ghis (via)
If after connecting to a VPN on Windows, bash loses network connectivity, try this workaround from within bash. This workaround will allow you to manually override the DNS resolution through /etc/resolv.conf. Take a note of the DNS server of the VPN from doing ipconfig.exe /all Make a copy of the existing resolv.conf sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/ Unlink the current resolv.conf sudo unlink /etc/resolv.conf sudo mv /etc/ /etc/resolv.conf Open /etc/resolv.conf and a. Delete the first line from the file, which says "# This file was automatically generated by WSL. To stop automatic generation of this file, remove this line.". b. Add the DNS entry from (1) above as the very first entry in the list of DNS servers. c. Close the file. Once you have disconnected the VPN, you will have to revert the changes to /etc/resolv.conf. To do this, do: cd /etc sudo mv resolv.conf sudo ln -s ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf resolv.conf



Artica, serveurs linux

by eledo34 (via)
Serveur de messagerie, de fichiers, Proxy Internet, VPN

Smile - VPN

by eledo34 (via)
En téléchargeant ce livre blanc, découvrez les principes du réseau d'entreprise, les outils de VPN open source : OpenSSH, OpenVPN, IPsec et Openswan ainsi que des exemples d'architectures et retours d'expérience.


» Créer un VPN en quelques minutes Technoaddict: Le Webzine Apple et Open-Source

by camel & 1 other
Créer un VPN en quelques minutes Posted in avril 15th, 2008 by admin in Apple, Linux et Open-Source, Windows Cet article est destiné à ceux qui désirent mettre en place un VPN de manière simple sécurisée et surtout rapide. La solution a un nom elle s’appelle Hamachi. C’est Logmein qui l’édite. Vous pouvez télécharger la version gratuite ici. Le logiciel s’installe sous Windows, Mac OS et Linux.

Tunnel IPSec sous Linux avec OpenSwan

by camel
Le but de ce tutoriel est de créer un tunnel IPSec entre deux réseaux privées (chez vous et chez un pote pas exemple) reliés par une connexion Internet publique. La solution proposée se base sur OpenSwan (exemple de configuration sous Ubuntu mais applicable sous n’importe quel Unix et BSD like)

SSL-Explorer: The World's First Browser-Based, Open Source SSL VPN

by Elryk
SSL-Explorer est une solution VPN SSL entièrement sécurisé. Il permet d'accéder, en toute sécurité depuis un simple navigateur, à des partages Windows, à des tunnels SSL, à un Intranet ou encore à des applications Java. Possibilité de l'utiliser avec UltraVNC.


How to Install Openvpn

by lecyborg
The purpose of this document is to describe how to install OpenVPN server on an Ubuntu Linux system and have it utilize an Ethernet bridge to access your local network. Ethernet bridges essentially allow the operating system to treat multiple network interfaces as one combined port. When used with OpenVPN a bridge will allow you to easily connect external users to your internal network and have them receive all traffic as though they were locally connected. The alternative is to use OpenVPN with a route but that will not allow some forms of traffic through (such as multicast), multicast traffic is important to me as many games require multicast data.

How to secure an SSL VPN with one-time passcodes and mutual authentication | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by camel
SSL-based VPNs were designed to eliminate the need for complex configurations on the user's PC. Unfortunately, that was before the dangers of public WiFi networks and tougher regulatory requirements came into being. Thanks to WiFi, many attacks that were difficult are now quite simple. In particular, a man-in-the-middle attack can intercept SSL-encrypted traffic, rendering SSL-based VPNs useless - even if it's protected by a typical one-time password system. The man-in-the-middle can easily feed the one-time password into the SSL-based VPN within the alloted time.


by lecyborg & 2 others
I’m a huge fan of IPCop. It’s a great firewall distro that makes administration a snap using a slick web interface. My goal was to use IPCop and an easy-to-use VPN client to allow access to my LAN while away from home. I ended up going with the ZERINA OpenVPN addon for IPCop and the OpenVPN GUI for Windows.

Howto Roadwarrior | ZERINA - OpenVPN for IPCops

by lecyborg
Howto for ZERINA 0.9.0b - ZERINA 0.9.4b This howto will guide you step by step on howto configure the OpenVPN addon, so that you can run an OpenVPN server on your IPCop firewall, so that roadwarrior clients (Win32 in this howto)can reach your lan. This is what we call "hassle free roadwarrior vpn" ;-)


VPN Labs - VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORKS - Free VPN Software and Virtual Private Network News

by camel & 2 others
VPNlabs is an open community for researching, reviewing, and discussing Virtual Private Networks. Read about how to use this site. New to VPN? Please read through our Primers. Setting up a VPN on Unix? Check out our BSD and Linux categories. Microsoft VPN? Check out our Windows resource center.

NewsForge | SSL VPNs and OpenVPN: A lot of lies and a shred of truth

by micah
I wanted to write an article on the strengths of OpenVPN, but I just can't get the message out without first talking about the serious insecurities I see in the rest of the SSL Virtual Private Network (VPN) space.



PUBLIC TAGS related to tag vpn

hamachi +   howto +   linux +   mpf +   network +   security +   software +   windows +  

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