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PUBLIC MARKS with tags w3c & whatwg




Growing pains afflict HTML5 standardization

by marco
"In practice I have no power whatsoever, even in the WHATWG: I am totally at the mercy of implementors," he said, adding that the same is true of the W3C's HTML work.


HTML5 Evolution

by xibe & 1 other

Google’s role is not free from the perception of conflict of interest, and that coupled with Ian’s endorsed role as a dictator will affect the credibility of the outcome produced. In particular, it will give Microsoft all of the excuse it needs to avoid implementing the standards. (Not that eliminating that excuse will magically cause Microsoft to participate…)


2007 : Dear WHAT WG and HTML 5 WG

by tehu
translate : "Je voudrai pousser un cri : ..... "

X/HTML 5 Versus XHTML 2

by tehu & 7 others
Il y a bien une compétition et une course de fond entamée. Est-ce que le HTML actuel est réformable ? Si non, le XHTML2 reviendra sur le devant de la scène.

Communautés - Carnet Web Karl

by tehu & 1 other
Les communautés technos condamnées à répéter les mêmes travers ?


Vers une nouvelle guerre du web?

by clochix & 3 others
Introduction aux 2 approches pour l'évolution d'HTML défendues par le W3C et le WHATWG

The future of HTML, Part 2: XHTML 2.0

by clochix & 1 other
In this two-part series, Edd Dumbill examines the various ways forward for HTML that Web authors, browser developers, and standards bodies propose. This series covers the incremental approach embodied by the WHATWG specifications and the radical cleanup of XHTML proposed by the W3C. Additionally, the author gives an overview of the W3C's new Rich Client Activity. Here in Part 2, Edd focuses on the work in process at the W3C to specify the future of Web markup.

The future of HTML, Part 1: WHATWG

by clochix & 1 other
In this two-part series, Edd Dumbill examines the various ways forward for HTML that Web authors, browser developers, and standards bodies propose. This series covers the incremental approach embodied by the WHATWG specifications and the radical cleanup of XHTML proposed by the W3C. Additionally, the author gives an overview of the W3C's new Rich Client Activity. Here in Part 1, Edd focuses primarily on two specifications being developed by WHATWG: Web Applications 1.0 (HTML5) and Web Forms 2.0. » The future of web forms

by nhoizey (via)
with XForms and Web Forms 2.0 on the rise, this is probably going to change. But what are they? What are their new features? And more importantly, which one is going to be superior?


The future of HTML, Part 1: WHATWG

by marco & 1 other (via)
The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group's approach to improving HTML

The checkered history of @rel

by François Hodierne & 1 other
> While I’d read them all before, I hadn’t ever looked at the sections of the various HTML specs and recs dealing with the rel attribute of a and link elements all in one sitting before. It’s interesting, if not very instructive.

XMLfr : Vers une nouvelle guerre du web?

by tehu & 3 others
Eric van der Vlist - 3/06/2005 : Ignoré par Microsoft et concurrencée par le WHATWG, l'avenir de XHTML 2.0 semble donc bien incertain.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag w3c

accessibilité +   Aria +   css +   deprecated +   déprécié +   events +   français +   html +   html 5 +   html5 +   javascript +   lang:fr +   progress +   spec +   specification +   spécification +   standards +   user guide +   wcag +   web-dev +   webdesign +   whatwg +   widgets +   xforms +  

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