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PUBLIC MARKS with tags web & data



Home | Solid

by srcmax
Solid was created by the inventor of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Its mission is to reshape the web as we know it. Solid will foster a new breed of applications with capabilities above and beyond anything that exists today.


Using OAuth 2.0 for Web Server Applications - Google APIs Client Library for PHP — Google Developers

by nicmae
Google APIs Client Library for PHP to create web server applications that use OAuth 2.0 authorization to access Google APIs. OAuth 2.0 allows users to share specific data with an application while keeping their usernames, passwords, and other information private. For example, a web application can use OAuth 2.0 to obtain permission from users to store files in their Google Drives.


Un web ouvert, décentralisé et indépendant | znarf (blog)

by Monique

Après les standards du web et les microformats, Tantek Çelik a choisi de promouvoir une nouvelle chose: l’IndieWeb.


A predictable web of data - the why of YQL - free book excerpt

by ghis
Great introduction to YQL (Yahoo Query Language), a query language for easily integrate APIs.


Global Consciousness Project Dot - Correlated Structures in Random Data

by ycc2106
Webpage add-on button that changes color The Global Consciousness Project collects random numbers from around the world. These numbers are available on the GCP website. This website downloads those numbers once a minute and performs sophisticated analysis on these random numbers to see how coherent they are. That is, how probable it is that the numbers are generated as they are. The theory is that the Global Consciousness of all the people of the world affect these random numbers... Maybe they aren't quite as random as we thought.

Using the Semantic Web for Genealogy

by xibe

(...) genealogy seems to be an obvious application of an RDF ontology and the Semantic web. I've investigated making use of RDF and the Semantic Web for Family History. The results of my investigation are here on this web page. In my work, I created a program to translate files in GEDCOM format to XML. I also wrote several stylesheets which translated the data into a new format GEDCOM XML, HTML, and RDF.

Data Visualization: Modern Approaches | Graphics | Smashing Magazine

by Xavier Lacot & 11 others
Smashing magazine describes several approaches to data visualization. Neat and powerful ideas are presented in the article.


datatainment : play data ! play !

by CharlesNepote

datatainment, is a portmanteau word combining “data” and (enter) “tainment” which refers to a new way of representing digital data related to the activities of individuals within the information world.

protobuf - Google Code

by kuruzman & 2 others
Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet extensible format. Aka JSON.

It's all about you - Carnets de La Grange

by greut & 3 others, 3 comments

Le Web 2.0 a fonctionné sur le thème du « It's all about you » qui se résumait en fait à « It's all about your data for our advertisement incomes. »

très très justement décrit. Tant de considérer les services 2.0 comme périphériques et plus centraux et d'avoir un serveur perso par la même.

by benoit & 1 other

for people with large data sets

Une communauté qui se forme et qui me parait bien plus intéressante que ... ;)


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag web

api +   atompub +   clevermarks +   data +   dev +   development +   google +   gp:links +   http +   interoperability +   json +   linkeddata +   économique +   odata +   opendata +   protocol +   rest +   rss +   sémantique +   social +   standards +  

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last mark : 23/10/2009 22:11

last mark : 12/09/2009 21:14

last mark : 21/04/2009 06:47

last mark : 14/03/2009 12:44

Xavier Lacot
last mark : 18/01/2009 19:54

last mark : 07/11/2008 15:37

last mark : 17/10/2008 21:56

last mark : 14/10/2008 10:51

last mark : 26/04/2008 00:15

last mark : 17/01/2008 07:32

last mark : 25/11/2007 16:24