public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags web-design & my-blogs-to-read*

December 2005

Tech Support and Business Questions? Ask Dave Taylor!

by macroron & 2 others
industry guru Dave Taylor answers questions about a wide variety of technical topics, including HTML, online advertising, Cascading Style Sheets, Web design, Unix, Linux, search engine optimization, Mac OS X, shell script programming and Windows. If you h

November 2005

Loud Thinking Blog ~David Heinemeier Hansson

by macroron & 9 others
Best Hacker of the Year - a partner in 37signals, I helped transform the venerable design shop into a product company. Basecamp, Backpack, and Ta-da List are all applications launched since the shift came into effect in February 2004. I did the programmi

Web Graphics Blog

by macroron & 4 others
a compilation of hypertext design resources, links, and commentary.

Google Maps Mania Blog

by macroron & 43 others
An unofficial Google Maps blog tracking the websites, ideas and tools being influenced by Google Maps.

Dan Bricklin Blog

by macroron
thoughts on making web sites, the computer industry, digital photography, PC history, conferences I attend, and people I know or run into.

CrunchNotes Blog

by macroron & 6 others
an informal collection of thoughts on Web 2.0, written by Michael Arrington. It is a companion blog to TechCrunch.

October 2005

Active users

last mark : 23/12/2005 12:44