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PUBLIC MARKS with tags widget & apple




Apple veut amener les widgets sur les téléviseurs

by kooolman
"Le groupe américain travaille sur une adaptation des widgets, ces applications web très populaires sur les services web 2.0, pour l'écran de télévision. C'est ce que révèle une demande de brevet aux États-Unis."


by nhoizey
iStat nano is a stunning system monitor widget with beautifully animated menus and transitions.

Ben Ward » Twitgit for Twitter

by springnet
# Read your friend’s most recent twitterings from Dashboard # Post status updates right in the widget

Welcome to Netvibes' Developers Network

by nhoizey & 8 others (via)
UWA is the new Netvibes API. Through it, your Netvibes widgets will be available on every widget platforms or blog systems: Netvibes of course, but also Google IG, Apple Dashboard and many more...

Yahoo! Widgets - Blog

by nhoizey & 3 others
The world of Widgets has changed a lot since Konfabulator came along back in 2003, when it was the only option of its kind for developers. Since then, similar offerings have emerged from several places, including Apple, and tomorrow, Microsoft as part of Vista. It has grown to such a point that Newsweek is proclaiming 2007 as the Year of the Widget.

How to make your own Dashboard Widget with Dashcode - Download Squad

by nhoizey & 1 other
Making your own Dashboard Widgets for Mac OS X is nothing new, but making your own Widgets using the Dashcode Developer Beta changes the entire process. Apple has taken the ease of use of Xcode and whittled it down to scale, providing all the tools necessary to quickly and easily develop your own Widgets.


Project:Omega - Tutoriels - Développement - Développer des Widgets Dashboard

by onizuka & 1 other
Tigre a introduit une nouvelle fonctionnalité appelée Dashboard qui donne naissance à une nouvelle classe unique de mini-applications appelées Widgets.

Making a Dashboard Widget to Display Live Sales Information

by onizuka
I decided this afternoon that it was time to try my hand at creating an OS X Dashboard widget to show me live sales information from one of my client’s online stores. To my surprise, I found that this was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be: everyone should be making Dashboard widgets! So here’s how I did it.

Dashboard Reference

by onizuka
This document contains reference material for creating Dashboard widgets. It documents the JavaScript objects available to widgets and the interfaces used to configure and extend the behavior of a widget. It also covers the Objective-C interface used to create widget plug-ins.


by vista & 3 others
這是很久以前答應過 PC 的朋友要寫的東西,之前之所以不做是因為 Yahoo! Widget Engine 的前身 - Konfabulator 2.x 及先前版本少了很多 Dashboard 的界面元件,做出來的樣子會差很多,不過隨著 3.0 版的發表,總算是補齊了一些必要元件,所以這週末趕快先做一個版本看看。


Developing Dashboard Widgets

by KoshigoeBushou & 6 others
AppleのWidgetリファレンス; リンク付き

Developing Dashboard Widgets

by akamac & 6 others
Make Dashboard widgets. How-to from Apple.

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