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PUBLIC MARKS with tags widget & photo


photoZoom(r) - High Res Photo Albums

by ycc2106
photozoomr provides a platform to present high resolution images in the web. DRag and drop, zoom


yourminis :: widgets :: Video

by parmentierf
The Video widget lets you add photos and/or videos to your site or start page. After selecting the photo widget add the URL for an image or video on the web and it will display inside of the video widget. You can then add a link URL to the photo or video. You can move and resize the photo/video in your start page, rotate it by clicking and dragging the lower left corner, and use it to create cool photo/video collages. You can also customize the appearance of the widget by clicking on the color picker icon to change the background color and add a transparency level.

Un widget pour vos photos

by Giraultises & 3 others (via)
Good Widgets est un widget pour réaliser des portes-folios simples et très esthétiques. La version gratuite vous permet de mettre 10 images et la version payante ne coute que 3$. - profile aggregator reputation system maps mashup .... ;-)

by cyberien (via) is a shareable Profile Aggregator that lists all your personal Websites, Social Networks, Blogs, Contact Info, Photo Albums and other Profiles in a box. Plus: People can leave a message in your box (this is something between a guestbook and reputation system).

Faites votre blog en widgets

by Giraultises & 8 others (via)
Freewebs est une plateforme de création de site Internet. Ce concept est basé principalement sur les widgets. Vous pourrez ainsi mettre rapidement des albums photos, des sondages, des formulaires, des forums, ...

Un bureau virtuel: widgets + applications

by Giraultises & 7 others (via)
Schmedley est une application de type bureau virtuel où l'on peut disposer des widgets mais aussi de nombreuses applications pré-installées. On y retrouve: un lecteur de RSS, des moteurs de recherche, une appli pour vos SMS, la météo, IM, ...


ThickBox 2.1

by cyberien & 61 others
ThickBox is a webpage UI dialog widget written in JavaScript on top of the jQuery library. Its function is to show a single image, multiple images, inline content, iframed content, or content served through AJAX in a hybrid modal. - Share your digital life for free - photos, music, blog, faves and more!

by jackiege & 3 others
via WangTam/Uploaded audio files are placed in playlists called TuneFeeds that can be shared with others or played in your profile page. There’s a browser toolbar for adding URLs to your favorites list and otherwise working with your account from off si

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag widget

amnésie +   api +   apple +   dashboard +   gadget +   google +   netvibes +   portail +   portlet +   uwa +   webOS +  

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