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PUBLIC MARKS with tags workflow & bpel

April 2007

[News] Windows Workflow supporte désormais le standard BPEL :: :: Architecture .NET (DotNet)

by nhoizey
Les spécifications BPEL [...] sont désormais supportées en version 1.1 par Workflow Foundation (WF)

June 2006

SOA Web Services Journal: BPEL Processes and Human Workflow @ SOA WEB SERVICES JOURNAL

by nhoizey (via)
BPEL, which has been designed specifically for defining business processes, supports typical interactions such as synchronous and asynchronous operation invocation, sequential and parallel flows, message correlations, fault and compensation handlers and activities triggered by events. Business processes often require human interactions as well.

BPM Think Tank Day 2: Panel on Business Value of Process Standards - Column 2 - ebizQ

by nhoizey (via)
XPDL is a way of moving a process from one design/simulation/analysis tool to another (about 30 tools support it today), whereas BPEL is about the nuts and bolts of sending messages from one location/service/system to another. XPDL is like XMI for business processes.

Phil Gilbert | Perspectives in Process

by nhoizey
BPEL isn't about visibility, and it's not about change management, yet those are the central problems of business process management. BPEL as a technology is orthogonal to the problem of business process management. It's simply a new way to write code.

Go Flow » Blog Archive » “Workflow” is Back

by nhoizey
There recently has been a big realization that "Human BPM" is very important. IBM and SAP release their BPEL4People white paper. BEA buys Fuego, a notable human workflow vendor. Oracle prepares new human capabilities above (and possibly separate) from their BPEL engine. And Microsoft talks about their Workflow Foundation, which is also separate from their BizTalk EAI.

Go Flow » Blog Archive » The BPMN-XPDL-BPEL value chain

by nhoizey
BPEL is an "execution language". XPDL is a process design format.

ActiveBPEL Engine

by Regis (via)
Open Source BPEL Server ActiveBPEL, LLC is an open source software organization that licenses and distributes the ActiveBPEL™ engine technology. The ActiveBPEL engine is a robust runtime environment that is capable of executing process definitions created to the Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS, or just BPEL) 1.1 specifications.

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last mark : 19/04/2007 10:10

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