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PUBLIC MARKS with tags xhtml & microformats





microformatique - a blog about microformats and “data at the edges” : from little things, big things grow

by jdrsantos & 1 other
microformatique - a blog about microformats and “data at the edges” from little things, big things grow

Tutorials on Microformats

by -Nicolas- & 5 others (via)
Microformats enable you to enrich your web pages (HTML, XHTML, RSS, Atom, Blog, XML). They don't affect how your web pages are rendered by a browser. But they have a huge (positive) impact on the ability of web tools to collect, understand, and process the information in your web pages. Microformats are tiny bits of information injected into web pages. When you add together the tiny bits of information over thousands or millions of web pages, you have a mountain of valuable information that can help with searching, understanding, and processing the web. There is a growing collection of microformats. I have created tutorials on the core microformats (as of early 2007).


Microformats Bookmarklet > Left Logic

by demental (via)
The bookmarklet has been primarily been designed for Safai, as Firefox has Tails. However, I know that it does work in Firefox, but I’ve no idea if this works in IE - sorry! Click on the bookmarklet once it has been saved, to bring up an overlay window of all the hCards and hCalendars within the current page.

Questions / réponses sur les Microformats

by -Nicolas- & 1 other
Les microformats sont de simples conventions pour incorporer une syntaxe sémantique pour un domaine spécifique dans des documents (X)HTML/XML documents lisibles par des humains, des fils Atom/RSS et du XML “clair” qui normalisent les modèles existants d’usages des contenus en utilisant des noms de classes brefs et descriptifs souvent basées sur des standards existants interopérables pour permettre un développement décentralisé de ressources, outils et services.

Main Page-fr - Microformats

by -Nicolas- & 8 others
Dans notre liste de discussion, nous définissons généralement les Microformats comme étant "des conventions simples embarquant des éléments de sémantique dans le XHTML afin de permettre un développement décentralisé".

XHTML 2.0 versus HTML 5 (webapps 1.0)

by Monique & 1 other (via)
XHTML 2.0 is simpler than HTML 4.01 and HTML 5 (web Apps) by REDUCING the number of elements. Very interesting stastistics which is closer of the motto of the microformats.

8 steps to serving better (X)HTML

by philippej & 3 others (via)
"Last but not least, nearly every site we reviewed could use hCard to markup their contact info."

Must Ignore vs. Microformats

by philippej & 1 other
"There’s simply no advantage to microformats compared to macroformats."

xoxo - Microformats

by ycc2106 & 5 others
Tantek pointed out that XHTML has everything necessary for semantically expressing outlines and blogroll-like subscriptions in an XML format that is both interactively renderable by browsers and parsable by strict XML engines.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag xhtml

**** +   accessibilité +   bonnes pratiques +   css +   design +   doc +   html +   javascript +   lang:en +   liens +   links +   perl +   php +   programmation +   rss +   web +   webdev +   xfn +   xml +  

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