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PUBLIC MARKS from Bastien with tags portlet & portal

11 May 2007

18 April 2007

Project Stringbeans Portal

StringbeansTM is a platform for building enterprise information portals. The platform is composed of three components: a portal container/server, a Web Services platform, and a process automation engine. At this time we have released the portal server and Web services platform. The process automation engine will be released in the near future.

05 April 2007

Creating a new portal, Part 1: Getting started

This article describes the first steps a team would typically take when starting a new project to implement a portal using IBM® WebSphere® Portal. It also provides some basic tools that can help you with these first steps. It discusses issues that teams typically face when starting a new portal project, and suggests some approaches to dealing with them. It describes various types of portals and how the type of portal you choose can influence your planning process. Finally, it introduces several tools, or work products, which you can use to plan and set up your own portal. This article is the first in a multiple-part series Creating a new portal.

Bastien's TAGS related to tag portlet

cms +   cours +   développer +   free +   java +   portail +   portal +   tutorial +   WebClipping +   websphere +