public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Monique with tags webmaster & test

February 2011

Setting up a screen reader test environment » iheni :: making the web worldwide

by 1 other

some tips to get you started when setting up a screen reader testing environment.

May 2010

Firebug Extensions - FirebugWiki

Firebug extensions augment or otherwise enhance the Firebug extension. Firebug extensions typically come in the form of Firefox add-ons.

December 2009

What does browser testing mean today? | Stuff and Nonsense

Before we send over our design files to the chaps at CannyBill, first a run through of the browsers that we have tested in the new design and some musings about what browser testing actually means today, in the face of an ever more diversified browser and device landscape.

October 2009

Tester vos pages avec un lecteur d'écran — Communauté de pratique sur l'accessibilité du Web (CoPAW)

Ce document est une adaptation d'une partie des Manuels sur l'utilisation de JAWS et de Window-Eyes par Jean-Marie D'Amour