public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from Sheino with tags mobile & blog

July 2005

PocketFactory - Gadgets, Gizmos, and Mobile Devices

Ranging from PDAs, to cell phones, PCs to Macs, Hardware to Software, and everything in between. We review the latest products and take the guess work out of buying tech.

March 2005

Nokia - Nokia Lifeblog

Nokia has joined forces with the blog gurus at Six Apart so you can easily upload your Lifeblog items (images, videos, messages, and notes) to your TypePad blog account.


by 3 others
Cell phone news and reviews

The Mobile Technology Weblog

by 3 others
Location Based Services and all about Mobile Marketing.

The latest buzz on ringtones

Pasta and Vinegar

A blog by Nicolas Nova about pasta (human computer interaction, innovation, technologies, futuristic trends, location based services, mobile computing, user-centric stuff) and vinegar (various weird stuff).

Exploring the new world of pictures and video phones.

by 5 others
All about texting, SMS and MMS.

Smart Mobs

by 2 others
A Website and Weblog about Topics and Issues discussed in the book Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution by Howard Rheingold