public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from XavierMilaret with tags outil & lang=anglais


HEAT (Health economic assessment tool)

This tool is designed to help you conduct an economic assessment of the health benefits of walking or cycling by estimating the value of reduced mortality that results from specified amounts of walking or cycling. The tool can be used in a number of different situations, for example: * when planning a new piece of cycling or walking infrastructure. * to value the reduced mortality from past and/or current levels of cycling or walking * to provide input into more comprehensive economic appraisal exercises, or prospective health impact assessments.



by 1 other
Color advice for maps / outil de conseil pour la définition de plages de couleurs pour l'analyse cartographique Donne les codes des couleurs aux formats RGB, CMYK et HEX


PDF Split and Merge

PDF Split and Merge - Séparer et fusionner les PDF - pdfsam is an open source tool (GPL license) designed to handle pdf files.


Villes durables européennes

Cadre de Référence pour les villes durables européennes = Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities : un groupe de travail européen de haut niveau a développé, durant l’année 2009-2010, un panel d’outils.


Print Friendly

by 5 others
Make a Print Friendly Version of any WebPage, save Webpages as a PDF : Print Friendly helps you save paper and ink when you print. Our algorithm cleans optimizes webpages for print. We remove the ads, navigation, and junk you don't want to print! Customize your print outs by removing content and images. You can print, or get PDF of your custom page!


Photoshop Express

by 13 others, 5 comments
Online Photo Sharing and Photo Editing (on peut autoriser les liens avec un compte Flickr)


by 45 others
éditeur de photos (et retouches simples) en ligne


by 120 others
Site pour envoyer des fichiers jusqu'à 1 Go - stockage temporaire en ligne

by 3 others
Redimensionne en ligne mes images numériques (Online Image Resizer - Resize digital photo, pictures or images online!)