public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags 2006 & coffee

02 October 2006

Starbuck in Space?

Executives and government officials meet to discuss commercializing space exploration. Hint: There will be a Starbucks. SAN JOSE, Calif.–Forget cows, we’re headed into the age of Starbucks in space. According to entrepreneurs and government officials at the Space 2006 conference here, tourists rocketing into suborbit in the coming years will need to get caffeinated somehow.

24 August 2006

Coffee to cure baldness

German medics arrived at the conclusion that consumption of large caffeine doses prevents baldness. Male’s hormone testosterone is responsible for baldness in men, meaning that the more testosterone a man as, the more prone he is to losing his hair. Head of the research team Professor Peter Elsner states that hormonal boldness could in fact be pre