public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags business & career

February 2007

When a Friend Becomes Your Boss (or Vice Versa)

With demanding work schedules and long commutes, it’s no wonder that many workers make friends with their co-workers. But these friendships can be jolted by workplace changes, including promotions. When you become your friend’s manager — or your friend becomes yours — it changes not only your working relationship but also your friendship. Experts

September 2006

Quit work for a year: 7 steps to do it right

Taking a break may be just the thing to spark your spirits. But keep in mind these seven points to ensure that your mini-retirement doesn’t produce maxi-regret. It’s time for a break. It’s something everyone thinks about on occasion, but now an increasing number of people are taking mid-career sabbaticals as a way to refresh their creativity, or to do things they’ve always wanted to do.