public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags buy & games

July 2008

Smart Shoppers Review-n-Buy

Most people stereotype the weaker sex as fashion loving bimbos who don’t have much of a clue on technology. I beg to differ! Beyond my vain exterior, I really am a tech junkie inside. It’s just that I don’t want to embarrass myself by saying the wrong things in front of the tech experts, that’s all. What? You don’t believe me? Never mind, it’s self explanatory. Speaking of technology, I have been saving for some new tech toys like a new Digital Camera and an MP3 Player for quite some time. It’s hard to decide on what I should buy because I need to compare the products out there to make sure I get something that suits my needs without having to get ripped off. Now, being a smart shopper, like any lady is*cough*, I did my homework by researching for reviews before making my purchase.

December 2007

Free Online Strategy Games - Free Strategy Games & Strategy Games

In today’s technology laden society, kids play way too many video games. This instant gratification can be damaging to their sense of patience and sportsmanship. It’s important to diversify the types of games play, not only for educational benefit but for social and developmental benefit. Online-Games-Zone.Com blog seeks to add to the publicity surrounding popular games of all types, from enriching places like Shooting Games, or word games that you can play to enrich your child’s vocabulary.