public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tag cures

26 February 2009

How to Prevent Snoring Problems

You probably know at least one person who snores. No matter your spouse, friend, relative or parents, snoring is probably present in your life, but you dismiss it as a trivial problem. People make fun of it and may treat it as insignificant, but snoring could be diagnosed as a major health problem. The human tissue in our trachea and lungs loosen as we age, therefore snoring occurs more frequently and with a greater magnitude (louder) with time. When the problem goes out of control, snorers may sound like loud motorbikes or chainsaws (literally!). So, the sooner you stop snoring, the better!

30 December 2008

Homeopathy =

Homeopathy is a therapeutic system of medicine based on the principle of similars- like cures like, which means that a substance that can cause certain symptoms in a healthy person can cure similar symptoms in an unhealthy person. Homeopathy aims to aid and stimulate the body’s own defense and immune processes. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed to fit each individual’s needs, given in much smaller and less toxic doses than traditional medications, and are used for both prevention and treatment. Established 200 years ago by German physician Samuel Hahnemann, Homeopathy is recognized by the World Health Organization as the second largest therapeutic system in the world.