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PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tag treatment


Braces and orthodontic treatment - Cosmetic Dentistry

These are the most common reasons for needing braces: 1. Improving the patient’s appearance by straightening the teeth and meeting the standards for appearance of our American culture. Dental care for children, teens and adults are available. 2. Correcting the patient’s bite so that he or she can chew food properly and avoid the headaches that sometimes result when the upper and lower teeth do not meet together normally. 3. Avoiding the gum disease that can result when the teeth are difficult to brush and floss and food begins to collect on the surface.


Blood blisters

Blood blisters are a type of blister that is filled with blood rather than the white or transparent fluid commonly associated with blisters. Blood blisters are a rupture of the blood vessels underneath the skin’s surface, usually caused by some form of trauma, such as pinching or insect byting.

How to Prevent Snoring Problems

You probably know at least one person who snores. No matter your spouse, friend, relative or parents, snoring is probably present in your life, but you dismiss it as a trivial problem. People make fun of it and may treat it as insignificant, but snoring could be diagnosed as a major health problem. The human tissue in our trachea and lungs loosen as we age, therefore snoring occurs more frequently and with a greater magnitude (louder) with time. When the problem goes out of control, snorers may sound like loud motorbikes or chainsaws (literally!). So, the sooner you stop snoring, the better!

Eczema facts

Eczema is a form of dermatitis - an inflammation of the skin. The word eczema is related to a great range of persistent skin conditions. These include dryness, rashes, swelling, itching crusting, flaking, blistering, cracking, oozing, or bleeding.


Homeopathy =

Homeopathy is a therapeutic system of medicine based on the principle of similars- like cures like, which means that a substance that can cause certain symptoms in a healthy person can cure similar symptoms in an unhealthy person. Homeopathy aims to aid and stimulate the body’s own defense and immune processes. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed to fit each individual’s needs, given in much smaller and less toxic doses than traditional medications, and are used for both prevention and treatment. Established 200 years ago by German physician Samuel Hahnemann, Homeopathy is recognized by the World Health Organization as the second largest therapeutic system in the world.

Your Healthy Joints

Body joint movements and healthy joint functions are very important aspects. Certain vitamins are absolutely essential for the joint health. A health practitioner is the best person to give advice on any vitamin supplement that a person should take for proper joint pain relief if you are suffering from any. It is important to seek professional advice before taking any vitamin supplement. This is because there are some vitamins that can be toxic if too much is consumed and a vitamin supplement may not be appropriate if there is enough of the vitamin already in the food a person eats.

SmartLipo for American Health and Beauty

Called Smartlipo and ProLipo, these procedures use lasers to liquefy fat cells and are much less invasive than the traditional Liposuction procedure. An added benefit is that the laser also tightens skin so you are not left with the sagging that Liposuction alone can cause. SmartLipo has been widely used for several years in Europe, Canada, the UK, Australia, Japan and other countries prior to being approved for use in the US. ProLipo is the latest advancement and is more powerful.


Heart attack detector

Millions of people with chest pain enter emergency room limbo, spending up to 24 hours waiting for tests to tell if a heart attack really is brewing or if it’s something less dire. But a new computerized heart scan - CT Angiography - may start easing the wait, giving doctors a faster picture of clogged arteries to help determine who can go home - within just four hours - and who needs more care. Currently, an electrocardiogram, or EKG, is used to catch a heart attack in progress, or an artery so unstable that one’s imminent. But at least half the time, early tests are inconclusive and patients are admitted to the hospital for repeat EKGs, blood tests and other checks that can last 24 hours - and eventually rule out a heart attack two-thirds of the time. Patient anxiety aside, the tab for all that testing surpasses US$10 billion annually.