public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tag images


Blood blisters

Blood blisters are a type of blister that is filled with blood rather than the white or transparent fluid commonly associated with blisters. Blood blisters are a rupture of the blood vessels underneath the skin’s surface, usually caused by some form of trauma, such as pinching or insect byting.

The Photo Community left BETA

If YOUR photos are laying dormant on a hard-drive here is good news to put them to new glory: At the free and acclaimed photo community everyone is invited to share his impressions and recommendations with the global neighbourhood. This site is fast and innovative and the uploads are ordered geographically, chronologically and according to category. The guys who already brought to the community have once again made a point: FREE RULEZ! And there is another good reason to take a closer look at this site: now accepts do-follow links to external sites on all pages (even on each photo-site)!


Seeing Double?

You know, as a blogger, I realised that one of the most important elements in a blog is to have lots and lots of pictures in it. I tend to write on similar subjects, so it’s a bit hard not to repeat the images I used, which turns out to be a problem because I don’t want to bore my readers. I do have many images, but I tend to ‘misplace’ them into other folders, which turns out to be a great time waster just to search for a particular image. Also, I’m an avid photographer, so I’ve got lots of pictures in different formats which can be a real pain to sort.


Over one year of dedicated production to launch the most extensive Japan stock photo library at

“Marketing professionals want to reflect the lives of modern Japans in their campaigns, and they want these campaigns to compete on an international level, the HDR image licensing is the key to these campaigns” explains John Forsh, Production Manager for .