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PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags google & news


Fancy More Friends and Money?

Looking for a reliable network to socialize? Fret not because with sociableblog available, your needs for socializing is taken care of. This Social Networking Blog has more than a thousand readers and about 750 people from different countries following this social network. Sociableblog boasts about its ability to provide the latest news, articles, and even videos on social networking all around the world.


tBlog - Crucial Gadget For A War Reporter

High-Definition Digital Camcorder (With X 0.7 Wide Angle Converter Lens) Digital Camcorder With “Headcam.” A second camera for situations where Kevin needs two free hands, or as a backup. Laptop Computer. A light, powerful unit that’s the choice of journalists and photographers all over the world. CALLING HOME Hughes R-BGAN Satellite Modem How Kevin sends images and computer data back to Yahoo! News. Thuraya/Hughes 7101 Portable Satellite Phone. A sturdy backup phone that works where cell phones can’t. Palm Treo 650 GSM Mobile “Smart” Phone A standard mobile phone/organizer combo for calling under normal circumstances.