public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags tech & office

November 2006

Useless PC users cost business billions

Bring back punch cards. A SURVEY CLAIMED workers using IT incorrectly costs UK business a frankly astonishing £1.7 billion a day. Samsung Electronics commissoned YouGov to canvass 2,000 officer workers about the problems, opinions and attitude to IT. The results conclude a large majority of people using IT spend their time fixing problems or searching uselessly for documents.

August 2006

17 MS Office Killers

Upstarts are taking on the A-Team of the desktop software world: Microsoft Office. Do they have a chance? This is as close to a soap opera as the tech world gets. An unknown company sets out to take on the largest software maker in the world. It raises millions in funding and creates a product—only to see its potential market vanish in the tech crash. Forced to sell itself to survive, it perseveres long enough to make a comeback six years later to rapturous users.

July 2006

Employers Want M.B.A.s with Quality Work Experience

David Speicher is looking for a few good M.B.A.s who have made their share of mistakes. To Mr. Speicher, head of human resources for a Philadelphia asset-management firm, the best M.B.A. students have made enough decisions and mistakes in their careers to have gained some valuable insight. “When someone makes one of those nausea-inducing errors in judgment,” he explains, “he or she comes away with a blend of confidence and humility.”