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PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags tips & advice

16 August 2006

Teen parenting - the road to understanding

Are you at odds with your teen? Have you run out of ideas? Are you scared that your teenager is running out of control? Check out this article about teen parenting from Long Island Exchange. Some of the article scope is dedicated to providing parents with the best information and advice on dealing with their problem teenagers. The article covers a relevant subjects on teenage behaviour and parenting strategies to help others cope with with defiant teens.

13 August 2006

Tech 2 Blog :: Top 10 XP tips :: August :: 2006

Despite all the hoopla about the introduction of Windows Vista, the truth of the matter is that the new OS isn’t due for at least another seven to nine months — and it will probably be even longer before most of us start adopting it. Meanwhile, we’ve still got to deal with Win XP. In order to make the waiting easier, we’ve decided to assemble the greatest tips in the history of Windows XP. Here you’ll find the tips that give you the most bang for your buck; that are most useful in terms of security, functionality, and PC performance; and that are just plain cool.