public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from adfunk with tags website & pr


I Search Click Website Business Directory

Many of us would like to be our own employer and own business because owning business means our income will depends on the effort that we put to it. Unlike working for others, no matter how hard one is working, he or she will just get a fixed income. Owning business will give one satisfaction as he or she will be able to do what he or she enjoys most.


I Search Click Website Business Directory

We heard about the Yellow pages before. We had business directories available every year but with the development of technology, we could have updated business directories easily available in the internet. With Google search, no longer do we need to search for companies through the thick Yellow pages books.


According to Matt Cutts: More info on PageRank

Every few months we update the PageRank data that we show in the toolbar, and every few months I see a few repeated questions, so let me take a pass at some of them. Note: I wrote this kinda quickly, so I think this is pretty good, but if I spot something incorrect later, I’ll change it.