Comment optimiser le code d'un site Web pour en améliorer la performance
Optimisation du code JavaScript, du poids des pages, des requêtes-réponses... La conférence Velocity Europe d'O'Reilly a fait la part belle aux enjeux de performance Web.
Google Page Speed Online
by 1 otherPage Speed Online analyzes the content of a web page, then generates suggestions to make that page faster. Reducing page load times can reduce bounce rates and increase conversion rates
Dynamically Created Radio Buttons - Another IE Gotcha
As soon as I think I have it all worked out I bump into another oddity between Firefox and IE and handling the DOM. Specifically adding a radio button (or set of them) dynamically.
My initial javascript went something like this:
# var rdo = document.createElement('input');
# rdo.type = 'radio';
# rdo.id = 'someUniqueID';
# rdo.name = 'myRadio';
# rdo.value = 1;
# myDocumentsBody.appendChild(rdo);
This almost worked perfectly. The input was added, it was a radio button, but it was totally unselectable. I could select it via javascript but the normal "click" event didn't cause the radio button to assume the "selected" state in IE? What gives?
(8 marks)