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December 2007

Paulo Coelho Hörbücher - MP3 Audio Books

Coelho’s Bücher haben auch im englischen Sprachraum grossen Erfolg, und zwei seiner Bestseller sind als online Hörbücher auf dem Internet: The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho - MP3 Audio Book und The Zahir - Paulo Coelho - MP3 Audio Book

May 2007

Download Audiobook Affiliate Program

With the millions of MP3 players that people carry along everywhere they go, with the new cellphones that have memories of one or even more GB and can play MP3 files as well, the demand for audiobooks is increasing rapidly. This new trend is an opportu...

April 2007

The Secret - Rhonda Byrne - AudioBook Special Price Ends April 30th

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is an audio that you should not miss! The life philosophy tips and hints how to improve your own life and enjoy a much more positive einvironment are a must read on in this case a ‘must hear’ audio! Many customers...

The Secret - Special Offer for Audiobook Download

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is on special offer: Instead of $29.95 for the Hardcopy (CD) version you can download the audiobook for only $13.81. Take advantage of this great price to promote this New York Times Bestseller that has been and still is ducu...

March 2007

Substance Abuse In Young Adults

A few days ago I already blogged about drug abuse and alcohol. Since then, I’ve started to look at the services that are available and found, that there are a lot more organizations that can help in case of a problem. People looking for drug reha...

Finding a Top Keynote Speaker

Did you ever have to organize a large important event and needed really high class speakers or entertainers but did not know where to find them? Say you had the budget to hire one of the really top speakers, people like Andrew Agassi, Bill Cosby, Lyn...

Communicating with Teens

Teens are people who are at a personal intersection in their life with many forks and possibilities where to continue their life’s flow. Problem is, they don’t really know yet, so they’ll have to try. And we adults think they should n...

Teens, Drugs and Alcohol

Teens drugs and aclohol are an explosive mix, that, if left unattended can end in a family drama. My oppinion is: It’s best to listen to your young ones and to keep in touch, before a serious problem develops. However, if the problem is there, th...

Drugs and Alcohol, the Philosopy

Drugs in general, and alcohol specifically have played an important role in all cultural societies known to man, as long as history goes back. The fascination of mind expanding drugs has always pulled man in and made him try to what extent these substa...

Spain - A good place to live - If you know the Language

My friend Harry is seriously thinking of moving to Spain for good……. He has seen a Golf Property in Costa De Calida on a website and then went to Spain to check it all out. He cam back decided to move! Harry is an avid golfer. The sort tha...

Mind Mapping - Creativity Put On Paper

I’ve been using mind maps on occasion ever since I had been introduced to them in my high school days. Mind Mapping is a great tool to somehow organize your thoughts and start off projects: You take a large sheet of paper and write your initial ...

The Secret - Rhonda Byrne - Audiobook

After the movie here is now the audiobook: The Secret - Rhonda Byrne - Audiobook. Don’t miss this book, it’s one of the most important editions in the self help category there will be this year! ‘The Secet’ has been featured in The Winfrey Oprah Show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Larry King on CNN and Time Magazine. There is a tremendous buzz about it, and people who have read, seen or listened to it are very enthisiastic about it. The groundbreaking feature length movie that revealed the great mystery of the universe, The Secret, is now an audiobook, and everything you have ever wanted - unlimited joy, health, money, relationships, love, and more can be yours.

Blogging for Fun and Money

Blogs are a great invention! Before Blogs were available, anybody who wanted to publish his thoughts on the web needed some know-how of webmastering. With the free blogging accounts now available at Blogger, Wordpress and all the other free blog provid...

Shakespeare Audios - Which One to Choose?

When you’re starting to look into the classic literature and especially Shakespeare, you’ll find out that there are many different recordings of the Bard’s plays online. Personally I find that the BBC Audiobook versions are often the ...

Savings on Mobile Phones

I’ve been looking for a new mobile phone for a few weeks already, my old Nokia is starting to look quite big, lacks a few features, like a good camera (it actually has no camrea at all…) and as I love audiobooks, I really need a phone that ...

National Book Foundation - Stephen King Donates AudioBook Profits

In 2003 Stephen King received the National Book Award. Each Autumn, in conjunction with the conferring of The National Book Awards in Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Young People’s Literature, the Board of Directors of the Foundation presents a ...

How To Make Money Online With Audio Books

Running a website is always also an opportunity to make money online. When you have a website and you host it on a shared, or even dedicated server, there are cost involved: The server rental, the domain name fee, and not to forget your time and effort...

February 2007

Monetizing Your Blog's Book-List And Book Reviews For Your Favourite Charity (Fundraising With Blogs)

Many bloggers who like to read establish book lists. Regularly for year’s end, sometimes they also make a so called TBR list (to be read)at the beginning of the year.During the year book reviews are published by avid readers and book lovers. Fund...

Affiliate Program : Audiobooks

Affiliates for the Big Money With Audio Books Affiliate Program start to generate nice turnovers. It’s clear that consumers do like to be able to dowload their audiobooks 24/7. Finding such offers on websites that correspond to th theme of the au...

WMA Books - Audios That Play On Your PC Or Laptop

Did you know that you can make your PC read you a book, or your laptop? Just like good old Grandma used to tell you fairy tales and legends, you can now get your PC or Laptop to read you detective stories, romance novels, or self-help books! Plenty of...

Creative Ways To Use Audio Books To Impress Your Friends

You owne this great iPod - It has so much storage space you’ll never be able to fill it with just music alone. Here’s a great way to impress your friends and have fun. Audio Books are hip and you may download them easily from the net. The A...

Read Books When Driving? Look For Audio Books!

Find audio books. Printed books are beautiful, we love them, but can you read a book and drive? Some people think they can, and how that ends we don’t really want to tell here….. To download an audio book and have it ready to listen to when...

January 2007

Valentine Poems - Download the Audio File for iPod and MP3

This year, Valentine will be different for many. Instead of just flowers, chocolate, perfume and whatever else is given on Valentine, many will recieve a Valentines poem collection that can be loaded on the iPod or MP3 player. Your Valentine will be li...

Learn English and Learn Spanish

To learn English or to learn Spanish? Both languages are major languages and many million people speak them. With both languages you can move in large parts of the world and get by. Well, it really depends what your goal is and exactly where you will e...

New York Times Best Seller Authors

Many of the New York Times Best Seller Authors offer their books also as downloadable audios. If you are one of the many avid readers who simply don’t manage to keep up with all the new books appearing every week, this may be a way to ‘rea...

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