public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from awylfing with tags "Leo Burnett" & "Frog End"

December 2007

Good Evening Poprad

Audrey Wylfing eulogises the excellent radio station, RTI, from Poprad in Slovakia and recalls the days when Leo got drunk on buffalo grass vodka in Lodz

August 2006

Great Runners I have Known

Ming Campbell is not the the only runner who exerted a strong sexual attraction for Audrey Wylfing. She also has fond memories of Jeffrey Archer, Sebastian Coe and her ex-husband Leo's friend Alan (who was, sadly, not interested in women). Also, why is Private Eye so boring now?

July 2006

Royston Cave - What Dan Brown doesn't know

Dan Brown could not have known the true story of the Holy Grail because he never attended one of the special Ladies Nights held by the wives of the Royston Masons. Audrey Wylfing from Frog End explains why all the Grail books are nonsense.

Lord Monboddo and The Long Tail

Amazon's system throws up some strange results for Audrey Wylfing and proves that her husband's ancestor has a Long Tail