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PUBLIC MARKS from camel with tags guide & howto

November 2008

Qmail Howto | Nasim Mansurov

Full Qmail Installation and Configuration Guide or Qmail Vmailmgr Tcpserver RBL SpamAssassin Relay-CTRL Qmail-Scanner Courier IMAP Guide POP3S SMTPS

April 2008

Qmail/Postfix/ClamAV Dual MTA HOWTO

Here is a quick guide to implementing virus protection on an existing Qmail server by adding Postfix, ClamAV and amavisd-new. Readers may ask themselves why anyone would want to do this. There is an actual reason why this particular set up came about.

January 2008

Howto Install Windows XP / Vista on Xen

This short guide describes how to install Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server on Xen. It provides an overview of the Debian Linux Etch installation, and detailed steps for installing and configuring Xen and starting the Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server installation.