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Setting Up Master-Master Replication On Four Nodes With MySQL 5 On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by 1 other (via)
This tutorial explains how you can set up MySQL master-master replication on four MySQL nodes (running on Debian Etch). The difference to a two node master-master replication (which is explained here) is that if you have more than two nodes, the replication goes in a circle, i.e., with four nodes, the replication goes from node1 to node2, from node2 to node3, from node3 to node4, and from node4 to node1. Since version 5, MySQL comes with built-in support for master-master replication, solving the problem that can happen with self-generated keys. In former MySQL versions, the problem with master-master replication was that conflicts arose immediately if node A and node B both inserted an auto-incrementing key on the same table. The advantages of master-master replication over the traditional master-slave replication are that you don't have to modify your applications to make write accesses only to the master, and that it is easier to provide high-availability because if the master fails, you still have the other master.

flipper - Google Code

by 1 other
Flipper is a tool for managing pairs of MySQL servers replicating to each other (commonly known as master-master replication or dual-master replication). Master-master replication is a great way of ensuring high availability for MySQL databases - it enables one half of the pair to be taken offline for maintenance work while the other half carries on dealing with queries from clients. Flipper achieves this by moving IP addresses based on a role ("read-only", "writable") between the two nodes in the master pair, to ensure that each role is available. Flipper is written in perl, and has been designed to be as portable as possible.

Script To Check If MySQL Master Master Replication Is Working Correctly | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

This short article explains how you can use a short script to check whether your MySQL master master replication is working as expected or not.

GCU-Squad! » The poor’s man filesystem synchro

Voici quelques semaines qu’il en parlait sur les ml, alors il à fini par le coder. Ivan Voras (ivoras@) nous livre la première version d’un démon destiné à synchroniser deux systèmes de fichiers de manière plus économique et élégante que le classique rsync. Le principe est simple, basée sur kqueue (culture again), le démon adfs -c’est son nom- contrôle l’état des fichiers à répliquer et en fait une copie en “quasi” temps réel, lorsque ces derniers ont été modifiés. Bien que peu performant sur un très grand nombre de fichiers, cette application semble bien se comporter avec un petit nombre de fichiers (quelques dizaines de milliers ?!). Il est possible de récupérer la version courante du code, mais la version en ligne ne sera maintenue à jour que si des utilisateurs semblent intéressés. Avis aux amateurs. : portail PHP et MySQL - MySQL Replication Manager

MySQL Replication Manager est une interface Web pour surveiller une architecture maître esclave. Elle permet simplement de lancer le maître et l'esclave, de gérer les logs et de surveiller l'état de fonctionnement. Il vous faut bien sûr les droits d'administration.

Globule: the Open-Source Content Distribution Network

by 1 other
Globule is a third-party module for the Apache Web server that allows a given server to replicate its documents to other Globule servers. It takes care of maintaining consistency between the replicas, of monitoring the servers, and of automatically redirecting clients to one of the available replicas. Globule also supports the replication of PHP documents. It runs on Unix and Windows systems.


ssh on multiple servers Using cluster ssh -- Debian Admin

Ever had to make the same change on more than one Linux/unix server? Find it annoyingly painful to keep repeating the exact same commands again and again and again? This tool addresses exactly this problem. You run a utility (cssh) providing a number of server names as parameters, and then xterms opens up to each server with an extra “console” window. Anything typed into the console is replicated into each server window (so, for examples, you can edit the same file on N machines at the same time, or run the same commands with the same parameters across those servers). It is also possible to type into the server windows directly, or temporarily disable replication to one or more of the servers through the “Hosts” menu.

mysqlslavesync - Google Code

by 1 other (via)
mysqlslavesync entre dans la famille des automatiseurs : tous ces outils qui permettent de mettre en place une solution standardisée. Ici, il s'agit de mettre en place la réplication MySQL sur un nouvel esclave. "L'outil se connecte au maître, effectue un dump ou un mysqlhotcopy, transfert les données, installe les données, puis configure les paramètres de réplication." Et voila, c'est tout. Si vous devez multiplier rapidement les esclaves, cela sera un répit important pour vos amis administrateur.

Setting Up Master-Master Replication With MySQL 5 On Debian Etch | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

Since version 5, MySQL comes with built-in support for master-master replication, solving the problem that can happen with self-generated keys. In former MySQL versions, the problem with master-master replication was that conflicts arose immediately if node A and node B both inserted an auto-incrementing key on the same table. The advantages of master-master replication over the traditional master-slave replication are that you don't have to modify your applications to make write accesses only to the master, and that it is easier to provide high-availability because if the master fails, you still have the other master.

Virtual Machine Replication & Failover with VMWare Server & Debian Etch (4.0) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions about how to create a highly available VMware Server environment on a Debian Etch system. With this tutorial, you will be able to create Virtual Machines that will be available on multiple systems with failover/failback capabilities.

MySQL Master-Master Replication Manager :: Homo-Adminus Blog by Alexey Kovyrin

MMM (MySQL Master-Master Replication Manager) is set of flexible scripts to perform monitoring and management of MySQL Masrter-Master replication cluster configurations.


MySQL Master Master Replication | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by 3 others
Ce tutorial décrit comment configurer une réplication MySQL de maître à maître. Nous devons assurer la réplication de serveur pour obtenir la haute disponibilité. Dans mon cas, j'ai besoin de deux maîtres pour qu'ils soient synchronisés l'un avec l'autre : si l'un deux tombe, l'autre prend la relève, et aucune donnée n'est perdu. De même, lorsque le deuxième serveur revient, il sera capable de rattrapper le survivant.

How To Set Up Database Replication In MySQL | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by 1 other
This tutorial describes how to set up database replication in MySQL. MySQL replication allows you to have an exact copy of a database from a master server on another server (slave), and all updates to the database on the master server are immediately replicated to the database on the slave server so that both databases are in sync. This is not a backup policy because an accidentally issued DELETE command will also be carried out on the slave; but replication can help protect against hardware failures though.


How To Set Up Database Replication In MySQL | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

by 4 others
This tutorial describes how to set up database replication in MySQL. MySQL replication allows you to have an exact copy of a database from a master server on another server (slave), and all updates to the database on the master server are immediately replicated to the database on the slave server so that both databases are in sync. This is not a backup policy because an accidentally issued DELETE command will also be carried out on the slave; but replication can help protect against hardware failures though.

Terry Burton's Blog: MySQL Secure Replication over SSL on Debian Sarge

All versions of MySQL currently shipped with Debian Sarge lack support OpenSSL due to licensing issues. In order to enable support for SSL connections it is necessary recompile MySQL from source. Documentation ZATAZ : Réplication MySQL

La réplication MySQL est apparue avec la version 3.23.15 de MySQL et est à sens unique, c'est-à-dire que vous ne pouvez répliquer les données que dans un sens (La réplication bi-directionnelle est aussi envisageable pour des tables ne contenant pas de clés primaires, d'index, et de champ auto-incrémentable).

camel's TAGS related to tag replication

admin +   apache +   applications +   blog +   cluster +   database +   debian +   edit +   environment +   file +   interface +   linux +   master +   monitoring +   multi-master +   mysql +   network +   php +   programming +   script +   secure +   server +   setup +   slave +   ssh +   ssl +   sync +   tutorial +   vmware +   web +   windows +